Today I hosted a Christmas ornament exchange for my MOPS group. (mothers of preschoolers) I joined the group with heavy persuasion from Kenton. Each week at church they would promote the local chapter of MOPS. It is not that I didn't want to join, but I just didn't know how much I would be able to participate/contribute considering that I work 3 days a week. I decided to give it a go and I'm so happy that I did. I randomly picked a seat at the same table as some pretty amazing women and mothers. We are all very diverse, but mesh very well together. We have children ranging in age from 6 years- 7 months and another on the way! We got together at my house today for great food, fun for the kids, adult conversation for the moms and lots of Christmas cheer!
Yes, I love parties! I just do... I love a reason to make pretty things and share with others.

We were able to spend a fun day with our precious children.
And say goodbye to Janell~ our faithful table leader. Good bye Friend~ until we meet again! Best of luck with your new life!!
I love this photograph. It sums it all up for me!
Just a few dudes and a bounce house.

This looks like a little guy convention. They all played well together!
And for the grand finale a group shot. How hard can this be? Okay.... let's set up the shot. Thanks to Nate the most fabulous FOUR YEAR old photographer. Here we go...
Okay, almost..... Let's give it another try.
Wait.... is this thing on????
Guys wait for me!!!
Merry Christmas to all!!

I love it! I teared up while reading. This is such a special group of women! I am SO glad God put all of you in my life and I can't wait to create more chapters on my story with your guys! Love all of you!