The BIG day finally arrived~ Christmas morning! Griffin had everyone out of bed at 6:30am to get this glorious day started! He received lots of practice opening gifts on Christmas Eve so he was ready to face Christmas morning with full force! We all jumped out of bed because we all wanted to capture the pure joy of Christmas morning through a child's eyes...
Santa was very good to the boys. It must have been because he received such glowing reviews from Lefty the Elf! (I told Lefty that he really should take notes.) Looks like Lefty the OPTIMISTIC Elf will have to join us again next year! Santa did not actually give Griffin the train, but was kind enough to set it up for him to play with.

Griffin LOVING his train from Nona Courtney! Roman also LOVES to demolish the track. Good times!!

Roman enjoying his first Christmas morning with MiMi Kat.

All of my boys in new toy overload!

Roman and Daddy-O.

My precious baby... Looking back I did not get any pictures of Roman opening his gifts. Big brother took such pleasure in opening BOTH his and little brothers presents. I'm sure Roman will not be so generous next year. :)

Roman in action. This little guy is quick. He stole a moment with Griffin's car hauler.

I love to see my boys playing together...

Daddy-O, Roe-ski, and Griff having a de-briefing in the Buzz tent. I have a feeling that many important decision will be made in this tent!

We had a brief intermission with a visit to an urgent care clinic. Griff was in need of medicine. His Pediatrician was closed on Christmas Eve (Friday), Christmas Day (Saturday), and Sunday. I felt like Monday was too long to wait so we made a little pit stop. Before we left Griff gathered an arm full of his new loot! Once there to continue in the spirit of things he tried to unwrap the "fake" gifts under the tree.

He was such a good boy and cooperated with the nurse and doctor~ he was an awesome little patient. He cried through an antibiotic shot, but was sweet enough to wish everyone farewell at the end of the visit. "Bye-bye dok-ta." Oh yeah, and while were there Kenton got a flu shot too! I sure hope my husband and precious child forgive me for shots on Christmas!! Can you say Mommy Dearest?!?

Now back home again. We enjoyed a delicious lunch of gumbo, potato salad, baked ham, shrimp pasta, sweet potato casserole, and corn casserole. After our food settled we went back to opening family gifts. Picture slacker strikes again. Miss I don't miss a picture EVER had a moment. Of all days to miss pictures... Christmas. Geesh!
Hanging out in the Buzz tent with MiMi.

Just like any awesome super-hero~ a personalized cape. Don't hate... even Satch was a tad jealous!

Satch hitting his best super-hero pose. Work it Daddy-O!

I love it~ here is Roman sneaking a little more un-interrupted play time with Griff's toys.

I enjoyed Christmas 2010 to the fullest and I'm pretty sure that my boysies did too. We are so blessed to have shared this special holiday with those nearest and dearest to us. Much love to Big Poppa, MiMi Kat, and Tio John for spending the day with us! (and the sweet nurse, and random Dr. too...)
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