Monday, December 6, 2010

Potty training prodigy

Ryan and Paul came over to play the other night. I think that they may have set a few wheels in motion. They are actively working on potty training. Griff was all into their business. Every time they had a potty break he poked his head into the bathroom to see what the fuss was all about. At one point he pulled me to his room. He opened his closet door and kept saying what sounded to me like ewer-where- translation everywhere, but was actually saying underwears. My boy wanted to put on a pair of underwear like the other boys. Shame on me for not picking up the cue! A little bit later I found him in the bathroom with all of his clothes off and was pee-peeing on the potty. Wow... this was encouraging.

The next morning Griff was playing in his playroom. I noticed him running to the bathroom. All by his big boy self he used his potty and was rushing off to dump it into the toilet. At that point I though my boy is a genius and is ready for big boy underwear! This potty training will be a cinch! How can you deny a child who clearly is ready to potty train right?

I went into his room to let him try out a pair of big boy underwear. Within a matter of 10 minutes we had to change the underwear 3 times. He pee-peed twice and pooped once.

Rookie mistake on our part. He went into the closet and told MiMi to "go." She thought he wanted to play hide and seek. She told him that she would count ten then he could go and find her. Once she got to ten he went to find her alright~ full of poop! Totally different story changing a poopy diaper verses changing poopy underwear. I may have actually gagged. If I had my way those big boy underwear would have gone straight to the GARBAGE! Luckily more rational heads prevailed!

So where are we today? I'm really not sure. I guess it is time to come up with a plan and give it a go! Two kids in diapers is quite an expense. The thought of going back down to 1 in diapers is rather appealing!

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