Sunday, September 25, 2011

Who Dat

Griff is my son.
He loves a party and feels the need to properly dress for all occasions.
The Saints are playing today so he went and got his jersey and made sure his Daddy had his on too.

Here are my boys pre-gaming in the back yard.
I love the look on Satch's face as he watches his boys play.

This picture melts me...

Big Dat and Little Dat
My heart just stopped for a moment.

I know that Satch will be the most patient "coach" with his boys.
This family plays tackle ball.  No flags for us please!

A House Divided

I am a graduate of Louisiana State University.  He is a graduate of West Virginia University.  Needless to say it is great fun when our teams match up for a game of football!  There is so much build up in our home leading up to this game.  Satch works himself up and spews out "facts" about his team vs. my team.  A boy can dream, right?  

Last year the game was at Tiger Stadium.  We went to the game and did it BIG.  We drove the RV down and made a weekend out of it.  We had the pleasure of joining some of our favorite Tiger fans, Craig and Jenni,  in their awesome seats.  This year Satch had class on game day.  Because of his school schedule we were not able to make it to Morgantown, WV so had to settle on the next best thing.  The big screen at our house.  Satch and Craig have been having a "healthy" debate over whose team would reign supreme over the past few weeks.  

The Vicknair family arrived at our house before Satch got home from school.  Craig had just enough time to display Mike the Tiger in our yard to greet the incoming Mountaineer.  It was so much fun!  

Here we are in front of Mike the Tiger.
Considering that Griff and Baby Bear belong 50% to their Daddy I felt it was only fair to make LSU/WVU shirts for them to wear.  I think Satch was quite surprised that I played fair on this.  I am sure he thought he would get home to his boys in head to toe LSU gear!  

Here we are with our favorite Tiger Family.
Needless to say Satch was seriously outnumbered!
Baby Bear enjoying a little swing time.
Pre-game fun in the back yard.
These 2 are so competitive.
They were competing on the Lil Tikes basketball goal.
These 2 right here.  T-R-O-U-B-L-E!!!
Half-time munchies!
 After it was all said and done.  The Tigers won 47-21.  The Mountaineers fought the good fight, but just couldn't hang with the mighty Tigers.  Sorry Satch!  At least you went down to the team that you cheer for every other day out of the year!  Geaux Tigers!

Satch, the ultimate team player!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Life with friends~ Waiting on a Princess

A few days ago some friends asked our family to join in on very special celebration.  They have been waiting for 1 year on the adoption of their African princess, Zoe.  The celebration included 12.5 boys 7 years and under and 1 baby girl.  Even better we blew it out at a semi-fancy and romantic fondue restaurant.  13.5 kids, fire, hot cheese and chocolate?  AWESOME and count us in!

I brought along an arsenal of goodies.  Coloring books, colors, cars, paper, games on the phone, and candy.  Believe it or not the night went entirely too smoothly!  Next time we take on Commander's Palace!

The boys just realized that they were being handed skewers swords.
Nate and Brian, the birthday boy :)

Parker, the only baby girl of the evening.
Crazy huh?!?
Me and Roman.
Ms. Ana, Jonah, and Micah.
Micah blowing out his birthday candle.
Oh yeah, we also celebrated 3 very special birthdays too!
Chocolate 'stache
Baby Bear modeling his new shirt.
The happiest baby that I know.  Nothing but smiles and giggles!
As we were wrapping up the evening.

Thanks friends for a wonderful evening.  We love doing life with all of you!  Looking forward to the next big celebration when you bring Zoe home!    

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Reasons that I smile

Griff has been talking up a storm.  He is quite the funny fellow.  Some of the things that he says brings a smile to my face hours or even days later.  Here are my recent faves:

  • Griff started up speech therapy yesterday.  After speech I dropped him off to his sitter later than usual.  I was talking to Miss D at the door.  The other children were already sitting at the table and doing class work.  (4 girls, 1 boy)  Griff walked up to the table to sit down.  The other little boy said, "Go away Griffey!"  At this point I gave Miss D "the eye."  You know the one that means handle this or I will have to step in.  That eye.  I can tolerate almost anything, but I have ZERO tolerance for mean spirited people.  Griff responded to his class mate with, "No T___, I play too!"  I was/am so proud of my son.  He stood up for himself.  He was not aggressive and did not respond with anger.  He was firm with his response and stood his ground.
  • We were driving to church Sunday morning.  Satch and I were talking in the front seat.  We hear a voice from the back seat chime in with, "calm down ewerybody!"  Seriously, we were just talking.  That pretty much ended any sort of conversation that we were having.  After about 5 minutes of laughter who in the world remember what you were discussing anyway!?!
  • Griff started last night that he needed to go to the "dakka." (doctor)  He didn't identify an illness just a need to see a medical professional.  This morning he kicked it up a notch with, "I ichy (itchy) and need to go to da dakka."  As he said this he was scratching his back.  I made an appointment for him because of a certain "pink eye."  While there I told MiMi to mention his "itch" to the doctor.  MiMi said he seemed to know exactly what was going on.  He seemed very familiar with the office equipment and acted very at ease.  Strange because since his tubes he has not been very much.  He indeed had pink eye, however she was not sure what to make of the itch?  He removed his shirt before she entered the room.  He made sure to tell her that he was "ichy scratchy."  Upon inspection she said, "well it looks like he may have a little hive.  You can give him some Benadryl."  Our little patient stayed home the rest of the day because of pink eye.  Once home he told MiMi that he wanted to watch Olivia.  A few minutes later MiMi walked back into the room.  It just so happened that the episode of Olivia was about a visit to the doctor for a certain "itch."  Hummm..... strange coincidence eigh?!?   (side note for the record- one tube has fallen out and the other is of no use and in the ear canal.  They were put in 4/10.  His ears were clear today.) 
  • 2 of my very favorite words that he uses:   Dinger = finger     Tail = hiney
  • The other day Griff ran out of the playroom.  "I frew up Mommy."  I hurried into the room to investigate the scene.  I looked around and didn't see any vomit.  I said, "Griff, where did you throw up?"  He replied with, "I frew up in my mow-ph." (mouth)
  • Every night before bed we say our prayers.  We always pray for our family and friends.  At the end he always says and "Ke-wee too."  Who in the world is Kelly?!?  She must be one special girl to make it into our prayers every day!  

Who Dats on parade.

Griff helping Pop wash the "big truck."
Yesterday he wanted me to drop him off at school in the "big truck."

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Calm after the storm

Tropical storm Lee parked it over southern Louisiana for about 4 days.  Nothing major as far as storms go, but just 4 days of steady rain.  4 days in the house can result in quite the case of cabin fever for 2 boys!  

This afternoon we were all happy to take it outside.  The weather was GORGEOUS!  Temps were breezy and  in the 80's.  Quite a welcomed change from the 100% temps that we have been experiencing over the past few months.  We strolled the neighborhood in the wagon, played in the backyard, and had a picnic dinner.  The good life indeed!

Fall can not get her soon enough!  I look forward to spending the afternoons hanging with my boys outside!  

"Momma are you sure this is a good idea?"
Griff pulling Baby Bear around the neighborhood.
My handsome big boy.
"Hello shadow... it's me, Griff!"
"Hey Mommy, you coming?"
2 boys
Peek-a-boo... I see you!
Oh how I adore that face!
Monkey boy
Griff surfing on his "kate board."
Baby Bear on the "kate board."  "Um, Mommy, why isn't this working?!"
Yes indeed... monkey see, monkey do!

Lil Man

Today I tried to take Roman's "lil man" pictures.  I had big plans to get some awesome pics of my lil man.  He on the other hand had other plans.  Needless to say I didn't not receive much cooperation from Baby Bear.  I will try to give this another go later this week.    
Hair-check, Tie-check
"Excuse me Momma.
Would you please remove this silly thing
from around my neck."
"Um.... like NOW!"
"Wait, you mean I can try on Daddy's shoes?"
"Well, I guess I can entertain you
for a second."

"What'cha think?"

"Take a picture... it will last longer!"