Sunday, July 31, 2011

Happy "golden" birthday Tio John

Happy "Golden" birthday to Tio John also known as, the International Man of Mystery, The Johnald, Hot Boy Johnald, Johnny Nomad or Jo-No.  Last night we celebrated "you."  We had a nice dinner followed by a "surprise" party with cake and ice cream.  (The "surprise" part was Griffin's idea.  During the day he told us that when Tio came over we would all go and hide and yell... "sa-prize!")

Here we are after dinner with bellies full of catfish.
The boys standing in front of the "beware of alligator" sign.
This was moments before we realized that the sign was not just a prop.
Tio and Erika totally "sa-prized" when we all jumped out
and yelled "sa-prize!"
Make a wish!

Griff hanging with his idol... Tio.
Tio~ we wish you a very happy birthday.  May all of your wishes come true!

Thursday, July 28, 2011


Jesus Follower
part-time professional
cupcake maker
up all night maker of "things"
party girl (of the children's variety)
non-technical tech junkie that uses words like "thing-a-ma-jig"
serial dieter who has even tried the cereal diet
over thinker
reformed perfectionist

just me...

Over 1,000,000 smiles served. :)

I read an article last week about how playgroups are not only for the kiddos.
This is so true.

Nothing like a good playgroup to wear out the kids,
and stimulate the Mommas
with some good 'ole girl talk.

This is a Win-Win situation
all the way around!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Cabin Fever

Where in the heck has the time gone?
We have been very busy,
 but I can't quite put my finger on exactly what we have been up to?!?

It is HOT, HUMID, and WET outside
so we have been spending  more time inside than out.

Here are a few pictures of my monkeys 
with a case of cabin fever.

Trying on Daddy's basketball shoes.  
Guess it is time to see the dentist?
Griff, the official household cake taste tester.
Baby Bear loves hanging with Uncle Al.
Can't say the feeling is mutual. :)
Looking OH-SO-CUTE while making a mess.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Reasons that I smile

I had a rough week.
I just sat for a second and it didn't take me very long
to remember the many
"Reasons that I smile."

  • This morning my tiny tornadoes pulled the toy baskets out from under the television set.  Griffin looked at me and said, "take ticture momee, pease, pease, pease..."  YES INDEED!  Nothing would please me more. :)  These are the quick pics that I got of 2 boys.  I love everything about these pictures.

  • Last night Griff conked his head.  He asked for a "nan-naid" to make it, "all bett-er."  Happy to say that the patch of hair that came off with the nan-naid wasn't too big. :)

  • Here is Griff helping to unload the dishwasher.  He is going through a very independent stage right now.  I hear "I do it by self" in a sing song sweet voice all day long.  He now wants to dominate assist me with everything.  He insists on dressing himself without ANY help.  So what if his pants are on backwards tucked inside his undies with his head coming out of an arm hole?  I am so proud that he gave it his all!

  •  Roman has also started his break towards independence.  This is really a tough stage.  I remember it very vividly from our first time around.  Not a baby anymore, but not quite a toddler.  Still needing Mommy, but wanting to flex his muscle of independence.  I have accepted that laundry and dishes will not be done while he is awake.  The bad good news is my chores will ALWAYS hang around until later.  Chores sure are persistent little boogers! :)  

  • The other night Kenton corrected Griff for something.  Griff quickly came back with, "Wats the big idea?"  OH MY GOODNESS.  Discipline is tough enough.  Do they really have to be so stinkin' cute?!?
  • "Wats the big idea" has become a widely used phrase by Griff thank you Imagination Movers.  I smile every time he throws it into conversation.  For example.  The other day we pulled up to our house and a friend's car was parked in the driveway.  "Hey momee, wats the big idea?"  See.... it made you smile too!
  • Another current favorite phrase is, "wats goin on in here?"  Ex. He walked into our bedroom and a piece of furniture was moved. "Wats goin on in here?"
  • Griff is into spelling everything.  I love when he sees the letter "G" placed in a word.  Example:     D-O-G for Grippin     A-G for Grippin-A-I-N.  Regardless of the placement in the word "G" is always followed by "for Grippin."
  • We say grace before every meal.  The other day during grace Roman grabbed my hand to hold hands like the rest of us.  THAT was a moment that made my heart skip a beat.  He now holds hands and prays with our family.  At the end he lets out his utterance for "Amen."  Proof that these precious child that we are loaned to raise pay attention to every word and action.  Encouragement to lead by example. 
  • We are so amazed by Griffin's progress.  Just a few months ago he barely spoke and put together 2 word utterances.  Wow.... his progression is AMAZING.  Every day he throws in new words and phrases.  He is such a smart and good boy.  We are so proud of him!

Friday, July 15, 2011

While Big Brother is Away...

Baby Bear
The Quicker Messer Upper!

It is a talent
to empty a drawer
in less than .5 of a second.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Rock and Roll

Griffin has been cracking us up lately.  He amazes us with the words that come out of his mouth.  We often look at each other and wonder where in the world did that come from?  The other day we had music on so we could dance.  He started dancing around and yelling "rock and roll.... rock and roll!"

I couldn't stop laughing.  "Rock and roll" came out of no where.  I mean we love music, but "rock and roll" is not a word that we use in conversation around the house?

Fast forward a few days later...  Griff pulled out his cajun drum kit (pot, pans, and wooden spoons) and set them up on his table.  He started banging on the pots and singing "rock and roll, rock and roll."  Thank goodness I had my camera handy to catch this precious moment.  Once he finished his "show" he bowed and said, "thank you, thank you, thank you!"  Seriously.... just when you think that they can NOT possibly be any funnier!  
Griff and his very first "rock and roll" concert.
He added more drums to his drum kit.  I guess he had a fever for a little more cowbell?
This was my favorite part of the afternoon.  Satch walked in on this awesome show!  Like the amazing daddy
that he is he grabbed some sticks and join in on the fun.
NEVER to be outdone, Baby Bear beat on his own drum.
Because the pictures do not do the concert justice.
I just had to add a little video too.  Enjoy...

Pee-Pee is working!

So many of my friends with children older than mine all said, "wait to potty train until the child is ready."  I really took this advice to heart.  Even though Griffin was 3 he showed no interest in potty training.  I knew that he could do it because he had tremendous control over his bladder and bowels, but he just wasn't quite "there" yet.  In the back of my mind my goal was to have him potty trained over the summer.

The ball started rolling the week that he took swimming lessons.  Our schedule was a little different and all of a sudden it just seemed like the right time to give it a whirl.  Like everything in life that I do I went all or nothing.  We went straight from diapers to big boy undies.  I was on the fence with pull ups.  I mean really folks... it is a diaper.  I decided to skip the pull ups and deal with the potential mess.  :)

Pee-pee was not really a problem.  We started taking him to the potty every 30 minutes and each day stretched it a little further.  Now poo-poo was a little tougher.  Luckily he is extremely regular and routine with his poopy habits.  He went into the playroom and closed the door.  This mean showtime!  I followed him in and he asked several times for a diaper.  I stood firm with the answer "no" but rather offered him to sit on the potty.  Eventually he realized that it was potty or underwear and I am proud to say that he picked the potty!  I knew that it would take him once on the potty to realize that it was not so bad.

From that point forward he was done an excellent job!  Over the past 2 or so weeks he had 1 pee-pee accident during the day and 1 pee-pee accident at night.  AND... no poo-poo accidents as of yet.  I still periodically take him to pee-pee during the day and ALWAYS a few times before bed.  I also keep a very close eye on his liquid intake.  (it was of no surprise his night time accident)  He now initiates going to the potty on his own.  My favorite is when I hear him in the bathroom saying.  "It's working... pee-pee is working!"

I can not even begin to explain how proud we are of Griff.  He has done such a wonderful job with this potty training thing.  He has been handsomely rewarded  with hugs, kisses, praises, high fives, running around and cheering like lunatics, his own personal poo-poo potty song that he LOVES, stickers, gummy treats, and his beloved Toy Story lunch bag.  At the end of the day it is worth it.  HE is worth it.  I'm sure there are many accidents to come, but he is off to an incredible start!  Way to go Griff!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Dinner Party

Griffin hosted his first dinner party.

He set his table for four.

 And insisted invited MiMi, Poppa, and Roman to join him for dinner.

That right there,
makes his Momma very proud.

Yes.... he is my son!

Little Helper

Roman has been spending A LOT of alone time with MiMi and Poppa
because his sitter has taken a little time off this summer.
He is more than willing to lend a hand around the house.

He vacuums the floor
He opens the door for you.
He sits on the potty. (a mother can dream of the day!)
He climbs up the slide,
To hang out in the pirate ship.
He loves to brush his own teeth.... all day long.
He climbs up and gets his own milk.
Calgon... take me away.  It sure is hard work being so cute!

Thanks to MiMi and Pop for taking such good care of our precious Baby Bear.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

A lucky day...

Griffin LOVES the Wiggles.
They have been his faves for the past few years.
The songs haunt us
due to the fact that we have heard them
a few MILLION times!

On Friday night a friend had tickets
that she was GIVING away.

This was an opportunity that I simply could not pass up.

This morning on the way to church
I broke the news to Griff that 
we were going to see the Wiggles....

His response,
"it's a lucky day!"

Yes, indeed my boy it was!

MiMi and her boys waiting for the Wiggles

Wide eyed in amazement!

Look at the smile.  Do you THINK he liked it?

Baby Bear thought it was pretty cool too!
Clapping to the tunes.
Seriously, he can't get enough.
Baby Bear wanted his own seat too!
I knew it was only a matter of time until Griff wanted a closer look.
Why? The third row just wasn't close enough!
Come here often?

Monday, July 4, 2011

Fireworks, Family, & Fun!

Last night we had some friends over to enjoy the lovely firework display on the river.
Our backyard is the perfect spot to enjoy the fireworks
and a fun evening with family and friends!
(Not to mention I love entertaining at our home) 

Cupcakes for EVERY occasion!

It is such a joy to watch our kids just being kids in the back yard.

Great food, and great friends!

We had LOTS-O-KIDS! 

How awesome is this?
Daddy duty at the swing set.

Daddy duty give the Mommas a little time for this!
Amen to great Dads!

Paul eating cookies in the green grass.

My new favorite party accessory...
Ice Cream Sundae Bar...
with all the fixings!
Hit with the kids 
adults too!

This was my view of the firework display from our back yard.

Our home with VIP seating for the show!

Thanks friends for sharing such a fun evening with us.
We love celebrating life with you!

Happy birthday America!