I had a rough week.
I just sat for a second and it didn't take me very long
to remember the many
"Reasons that I smile."
I just sat for a second and it didn't take me very long
to remember the many
"Reasons that I smile."
- This morning my tiny tornadoes pulled the toy baskets out from under the television set. Griffin looked at me and said, "take ticture momee, pease, pease, pease..." YES INDEED! Nothing would please me more. :) These are the quick pics that I got of 2 boys. I love everything about these pictures.

- Last night Griff conked his head. He asked for a "nan-naid" to make it, "all bett-er." Happy to say that the patch of hair that came off with the nan-naid wasn't too big. :)
- Here is Griff helping to unload the dishwasher. He is going through a very independent stage right now. I hear "I do it by self" in a sing song sweet voice all day long. He now wants to
dominateassist me with everything. He insists on dressing himself without ANY help. So what if his pants are on backwards tucked inside his undies with his head coming out of an arm hole? I am so proud that he gave it his all!
- Roman has also started his break towards independence. This is really a tough stage. I remember it very vividly from our first time around. Not a baby anymore, but not quite a toddler. Still needing Mommy, but wanting to flex his muscle of independence. I have accepted that laundry and dishes will not be done while he is awake. The
badgood news is my chores will ALWAYS hang around until later. Chores sure are persistent little boogers! :)
- The other night Kenton corrected Griff for something. Griff quickly came back with, "Wats the big idea?" OH MY GOODNESS. Discipline is tough enough. Do they really have to be so stinkin' cute?!?
- "Wats the big idea" has become a widely used phrase by Griff thank you Imagination Movers. I smile every time he throws it into conversation. For example. The other day we pulled up to our house and a friend's car was parked in the driveway. "Hey momee, wats the big idea?" See.... it made you smile too!
- Another current favorite phrase is, "wats goin on in here?" Ex. He walked into our bedroom and a piece of furniture was moved. "Wats goin on in here?"
- Griff is into spelling everything. I love when he sees the letter "G" placed in a word. Example: D-O-G for Grippin A-G for Grippin-A-I-N. Regardless of the placement in the word "G" is always followed by "for Grippin."
- We say grace before every meal. The other day during grace Roman grabbed my hand to hold hands like the rest of us. THAT was a moment that made my heart skip a beat. He now holds hands and prays with our family. At the end he lets out his utterance for "Amen." Proof that these precious child that we are loaned to raise pay attention to every word and action. Encouragement to lead by example.
- We are so amazed by Griffin's progress. Just a few months ago he barely spoke and put together 2 word utterances. Wow.... his progression is AMAZING. Every day he throws in new words and phrases. He is such a smart and good boy. We are so proud of him!
keep smiling!!
jenna duty