Friday, June 21, 2013

Redeemed- 6/13/13

I am enrolled in the School of Kingdom living.
This is a one year class that I am taking through our church.
My boys fondly refer to it as "Jesus cool." (Jesus school)

This year has been amazing.
It has been a year of personal growth, transformation, restoration, community, and all around goodness.  

Within the class we are broken up into sub groups called missional communities.
I must say that my missional community is the best.

This group of people went from strangers to friends quickly.
We laugh, we cry, we hang out, we pray, and encourage one another.

A few weeks back I felt a strong nudge to be baptized.  
This has been something that I have been wrestling with for several years.
I pretty much received word from The Big Guy that it was time.

I mentioned it to my Missional Community that I wanted to be baptized.  
Like right NOW.
This act of bravery led to 7 others desiring the same thing.

The room was electric.
I will never forget this night as long as I live.
I was happy and free.

Our leader held us off that evening.
The following day I asked my neighbors to use their pool for the baptism and our evening was set.

Our leader and his wife baptized 8 of us.
6/13/13 will be a day that I remember forever.
I have journaled the details.

I was surrounded by God, my family, and my friends.
I felt Him smiling down upon us.
He was there and His presence was thick.
Oh happy day...

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Father's Day 2013

Last year on Father's Day we returned from the hospital with our 3rd baby boy. Here we are one year later. When I currently think about my life it takes my breath away. When I picked, I picked well. Our boys are blessed to call this amazing man "Daddy." Happy Father's Day to my husband and best friend. I love you more than you will ever know...

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Cohen Jacob- 12 months

Dear Cohen,

In the blink of an eye you are 1 year old.  You have added so much joy to our family.  You are light and shine so bright.  You draw people in with your precious disposition.  Your big beautiful smile, your precious dimple, and your dazzling personality.  My sweet boy, you will be a world changer!  

You love to play.  You are all up in your brothers business.  You bulldoze your way into their games and toys.  Gentle is not a quality that you display very often.  

You are an amazing eater.  You eat pretty much what ever we put in front of you.  You are no longer nursing. Sniff...  However you are still working off of my milk freezer stash.  You are a great self feeder and have great control of your fine motor skills.

At one year your tipped the scale just over 25 lbs.  Good work my boy!

Time is marching on.  I am thrilled to have a front row seat at watching you grow, change, and thrive.  I am and always will be your biggest fan!  Always remember that "you are a good boy and will do great things in this world."

All my love,

You are my sunshine~ Cohen's 1st birthday party

From the moment we laid eyes on Cohen he was just filled with sunshine.
It was only fitting to theme his 1st birthday party
"You are my suhshine...."

This party was so fun to put together.
I used the "you are my sunshine" canvas 
that I painted for Cohen's nursery as my main focal piece and just went from there. 

We decided to keep this party small.
I wanted to make sure that Cohen was the star of the show.
I mean you only turn "1" once!  ;) 

Cake by Mommy

Party favors
I made headbands for the girls,
bought bow ties for the boys, and frames for the mommas

12 months of sunshine...

A friend was selling this yellow high chair.
Isn't it just perfect?!?

Sunshine making sweet eyes
Cheesing with MiMi
CoCo and Nanny Kate

I so love this baby boy...

Doobie is John's Godfather,
I am Conner's Godmother,
Kate is Cohen's Godmother
Almost "Happy birthday" time

Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday dear 
Happy birthday to you...

Make a wish and dream BIG my baby.

These bros are like the 3 musketeers,
One for all and all for one!

Cohen was slightly disappointed when I pulled a switch-a-roo on him.
I took away the big cake and gave him a cupcake.
Not cool Mommy...


Dirty, slimy, cake filled, sugared, tired mess!  
Co's favorite gift.
An empty yogurt container.