Thursday, March 31, 2011


As a bribe reward for  getting a haircut
we took the boys out for a sno-ball.
G specifically requested a "pink" one.

Serving 1 "pink" sno-ball!

Look who's back! 
The baby behind the hair,

Sno-balls with MiMi,
what a treat!
 1 boy in love with his MiMi...

Make that 2 boys...

Haircut, but not a "Haircut."

Both of the boys REALLY needed a trim.
I called to make an appointment.

The call went like this.

Ms. Happy Scissors: "Hello.  Happy Scissors."
Me: " I am calling to make an appointment for a haircut,
you know the kind that doesn't really look like a haircut?"
Ms. Happy Scissors: "Sure, how about 6'oclock?"

The boys have their birthday party this weekend and professional pictures next weekend.
Who in their right mind attempts a cut this late in the game????

The appointment was really for G, but Ro-ski was in dire need.
Poor baby could no longer see out of his left eye due to his scraggly long locks!

I was in NO WAY prepared to lose my baby today to a haircut
so we did the next best thing.
Allowed the nice lady to oh so delicately snip a hair or two
ONLY in the bang area.

I will mentally forget that this ever happened
and not count it as his first haircut,
but in the meantime my baby can see again!

Next up,
Big Bro G!

A haircut AND visit to the dentist in the same day.
Mommy Dearest strikes again!

Thanks to Ms. Happy Scissors 
for cutting, but not really cutting
2 boys hair!

1st trip to the Dentist

This morning I took Griff for his first visit to the dentist.  
It was well..... a trip to the dentist!

 Upon arrival G thought it was pretty cool.
Doesn't he look so small
yet so big in this picture!
 It didn't take him long to figure out that something was brewing
and this place may not be so fun.
"MOMMY.... what are we doooing here?"
 What?!?  A new toothbrush.
This is fun!
 After looking at this picture you would probably assume that his 1st visit was a walk in the park.
Once again pictures can be VERY DECEIVING.

I don't have pictures of the actual visit
because I was having to restrain my child.
Yeap, it went that well. 

Good news,
everything looks great!

Bad news,
dentist informed us to set up 2 funds.
(1) college
(2) braces due to his "bite" :(

He couldn't get out of that joint fast enough!

See you again in 6  months!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Strawberry Pickin'

Today a Momma from my MOPS group
set up a day trip to 
Ms. Heather's Strawberry Patch.

Thanks Ashley for coordinating this event.
Mommas and kids 
all had a Ball!

We went,
We picked,
We ran,
We played,
We got DIRTY,

Obscene amount of ADORABLE pictures to follow!
What can I say?
Entirely too many cute pictures to pick just a few.

 Griffin gearing up to pick some sweet strawberries!

 I heart this photo of Emma.  

 G on the scene.  

  Good job!  Way to go after the big ones.

 Our morning's work.  Isn't it beautiful?!?

 G ate his weight in berries and stopped to take a breather.

 G and Me.

 I like his style.  Eat 4 and 1 for the basket.

 Do you think he had fun?

 G and his girl Em.

 After a quick clean up we hit the petting zoo.

 Bouncing around!

 Sweetest strawberries in the bunch! 
Paul, Griffin, and Ryan

 He ran, and ran, and ran...

 Stripped down for the ride home.

Don't hate.
Swagger Wagons UNITE!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

$1,000,000 smile

 Griff has reminded us of something very important.
To live in the moment.

Take each day for what it is worth.
Love big, live big, and have no regrets.

This afternoon we did just that.
We painted on mustaches and had a picnic (nic-nic) outside.

You may ask WHY?
My answer is WHY NOT?!?  

The boys thought it was really funny
and I did too.
Anything to get a smile from 
"the big one,"
"the little one."

I was watering the flowers
and "the big one" wanted in on the action.

Sure.... why not?

 G and his $1,000,000 smile
 Live big and love big!
Where was Roman?
He was sitting in his stroller
giggling hysterically.

Isn't it funny when the student acts as the teacher?
Thanks to G for reminding us to take a minute
to stop and smell the roses...

Roman~ 10(ish) month update

Wow... in just about a month we will be celebrating Roman's 1st birthday.  Time is NOT on my side.  This year has flown by yet it seems like Roman has been a part of our family forever.  Isn't it funny how that works.

Roman has found his voice in a MAJOR way.  We fondly refer to it as "The Siren."  It is all that you imagine and more.  Needless to say it can be a bit frazzling when the siren is going off and we can't seem to figure out why?  Actually, why is pretty easy.  It is a code word for "HOLD ME NNNOOOWWW!  

He loves to play and adores his big brother.  He follows him around like a little puppy dog.  Oh the mischief these 2 will find over the years!  

He is cute as a button and we couldn't love him more.  His teeth crack us up and his hair is out of control.  Thanks Roman for the spunk that you add to our lives!  

Monday, March 21, 2011

Art Critic

Today I picked up another painting by Hank Holland.  In a previous post I wrote a little about Hank and my love of his art.  Today I had the pleasure of spending a little time with his wife Maria.  I was humbled by her presence.  Maria, much like Hank, is such a joy and inspiration.  We plan to have lunch together soon.

I was over the top excited about my new tree house appropriately titled "Bunch of Nuts" and could not wait to see it on the wall.  I don't have a permanent home for this beauty yet, but it is hanging out in the keeping room until we decide.

As soon as Griffin walked in the door he was drawn to the painting.  He squealed in delight and said, "Wow... Mommy dats bootiful."  That comment blew me away for a couple of reasons.

  1. I did not know that he had the word "beautiful" in his vocabulary.
  2. I have never heard the word beautiful applied so perfectly and in context.  Indeed, it is beautiful!
Thanks to Hank for helping to make our home so bright and cheery one wall at a time...

 How adorable is this?!?
Griff~ the little art critic
 Deep thoughts while admiring the composition
of "Bunch of Nuts."
Without even being told about the tree house and outhouse symbolism
he went in to touch.  This art is so powerful and fueled 
by heart, love, and emotion.
Hank.... you have the smile "Seal of Approval"
Griff~ the 3 year old art critic

I will be hosting a showing of Hank's work at our home in a couple of weeks.  If anyone is interested in joining us just let me know.