Saturday, March 5, 2011

Fancy shoe reunion

This morning I was getting dressed to go to a parade.
G went into my closet and brought out my fancy shoes for the day.
He said, "Here Mommy tchoes to wurk."
(Here Mommy shoes to work)
 His fancy shoe selection for me was the furry leopard pair to the left.
I had to laugh.
What IN THE WORLD does my child think that I do for a living.

I bought these shoes many moons ago.
I like to pull them out for a night out on the town with Satch.
I have the perfect little black dress to accompany the shoe.

It just so happens that:
(a) a night out on the town with Satch
(b) the perfect little black dress
do not exactly come out to play very often.  

Until that day,
they wait for me on the shelf...
with a entirely too many few of their closest friends.
so I may be responsible for my son
and his fondness of shoes... 
I have to keep stepping back
in order to show 
the whole truth.
Why in the world does a person need so many pair of shoes?
That is a very good question!
The beauty of the shoe...
they are a great way to accessorize
and pregnant, or not
your feet stay true to size. 


  1. Oh my... you would cry if you saw my 3 pairs of flip flops that i own...

  2. this is freakin hilarious!!! kristy told me about how many shoes you had today...i had to see it to believe it! lol!

  3. I have been "collecting" these things for years. Sad thing~ I wear 3 pair of flip flips and 1 pair of boots. I know... it is a disease! ;) No way will I turn the camera around to my selection of black pants. Equally as absurd!!
