Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Strawberry Pickin'

Today a Momma from my MOPS group
set up a day trip to 
Ms. Heather's Strawberry Patch.

Thanks Ashley for coordinating this event.
Mommas and kids 
all had a Ball!

We went,
We picked,
We ran,
We played,
We got DIRTY,

Obscene amount of ADORABLE pictures to follow!
What can I say?
Entirely too many cute pictures to pick just a few.

 Griffin gearing up to pick some sweet strawberries!

 I heart this photo of Emma.  

 G on the scene.  

  Good job!  Way to go after the big ones.

 Our morning's work.  Isn't it beautiful?!?

 G ate his weight in berries and stopped to take a breather.

 G and Me.

 I like his style.  Eat 4 and 1 for the basket.

 Do you think he had fun?

 G and his girl Em.

 After a quick clean up we hit the petting zoo.

 Bouncing around!

 Sweetest strawberries in the bunch! 
Paul, Griffin, and Ryan

 He ran, and ran, and ran...

 Stripped down for the ride home.

Don't hate.
Swagger Wagons UNITE!


  1. Ok, so the pics are adorably cute and Griffin looked like he had a fantastic time! BUT - the real reason I'm commenting is because of the picture of the Swagger Wagons. That is cracking me up. Priceless! I'm still an SUV girl - but, I may need to buy a Swagger Wagon next. Seems like 4 out of 4 moms agree. ;-)

  2. I am still in an SUV too. Funny thing as soon as I became pregnant with griff we automatically moved to the burbs and talked of the dreaded swagger wagon. We recently got a new SUV and tossed around the mini again. We didn't get it because Satch wanted it for me to drive, but couldn't imagine driving it without the family. Guess he thinks that he is still 'cool like that.' Me... Not so much!
    Ps I couldn't resist that picture!
