Monday, September 16, 2013

And he's off...

As of September 13, 2013 Cohen is officially a walker.
This marks his 15th month birthday.

He has been "able" to walk for quite some time.
I believe he just really enjoys being lugged around rather than walking on his own will!
What can I say?
He is a smarty pants!

Once he took a few steps on his own he was so incredibly proud of himself.
I must say, we ALL were!
He would walk. Grin ear to ear. Then clap wildly in celebration.

Crawling is still his preferred mode of transportation. 
He is quite quick and efficient as a crawler.
While his steps are still slightly wobbly and unsure. 

Each day he takes a few more steps.

We are so proud of our baby boy! 

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Life lately

 Here is life as I see it in pictures...

Mr. "Credible" cooking breakfast.
Boys were building a camp to practice for the
"boys only no gurls camping trip."
This was taken moments before a fall and near
hospital experience.
Being a mom to 3 boys is NOT for the faint of heart.
Unfortunately I am faint of heart and their blood makes me woozy.
Lucky for me I have an amazing husband.
Boys hanging at "Roman's house."

Donut date with my boys at their favorite spot-
Take-away donuts
Nothing cuter than tiny tails in undies.
The grafitti artist and his apprentice.
All. Day. Long.
I just finished up my inspiration board.
These are the places where I currently draw from.
Tio's kindergarten picture circa 1985
Griffin's first day of kindergarten 2013
Afternoon scooter rides.
Griff just started playing soccer.
Despite the ba-bin he really enjoys it!
3 kids 3 different drop off/pick up locations.
Such is life...
Roman waving good-bye to his big brother.
Being the little brother is tough sometimes.
Griff went on his first buddy date to see a movie.
Roman gave me an eye exam. 
This one is always in costume.
End of summer ice cream date.

Cohen "I do my own stunts" Jacob

Dear Cohen,
Oh child.... 
You are a handful.
Everything that you do is BIG.
You smile big and scream even bigger.
You may be little, but you will never be forgotten.
You are always in the mix with your brothers.
You set your sights on something and then you hold your own.
You don't have much interest in walking.
For you climbing is where it's at!
You bump your coconut several times a day.
I'm thinking about equipping you with a helmet and possibly some landing gear.
Oh child, you are something else!
You are still and always will be my little sunshine,

You love you some selfies.  You see yourself in the camera and say "HI!"
You now let yourself out of the house.
I found you in the street twice yesterday.
Door now stays locked and the door chime is enabled.
Boy. Boy. Boy...
You could no longer be contained at the Children's museum.
You let yourself out of your stroller and was off to play!
Hey Ma!
Male modeling for the camera.
Oh just hanging out ON the fire station.
Visions of 15 years from now...
Up to no good.
Following big brothers.
They try to protect you.
You can't understand why?
Dancing in your high chair.
This would be the reason why we
no longer keep stools at the counter.
Nothing and I mean NOTHING sweeter than a {thumb sucking} sleeping baby.
Our newest member of the MOPs steering team.
Baby long legs and Daddy long legs.
This happens often.  You find yourself in a pickle.
I let you sweat this one out for a minute.
Thought it might slow you down.
Up again.
When you cuddle with me, even if just for a second, you make
my world a better place.
Shopping with you is quite a challenge.
Oh how I love to watch your little personality form.  Keep smiling and flashing that dimple.  The world is yours baby boy...