I had this crazy idea in my head. This idea goes all the way back to my pregnancy. I believed whole heartily that Baby S. now known as Roman was going to be a nice, calm, and laid back baby. I guess I thought since Griffin was so active that God SURELY was going to grace me with a docile child. Boy was I WRONG! As a matter of fact I think Roman may indeed be MORE active than his brother was at this point! We all know that God doesn't give you anything that you can't handle.... right?!?
This month Roman has been on the go. He is all over the house. His favorite hangout is grabbing for balls at the Christmas tree. He now climbs the stairs and as of last night stood up in his crib. His crib mattress has now been dropped down all the way and the baby gate is about to guard the stairs again. We are back to baby proofing!!
We had another first last night~ our first solid dose of tough love. He is still waking up several times throughout the night. I answer his call too quickly in fear of him waking up his brother. Well.... last night I let it ride. He cried at 12:30 for about 30 minutes and again at 3:00 for 1 hour. I am happy to say that he went back to sleep on his own both times and DID not wake up big brother! I love this boy to pieces, but our nightly rendezvous must end. I pray that this is the start to our road to sleep recovery!
Our boy is also REALLY eating food now. He snubbed jarred baby food. Yes, he would have nothing to do with it. As a matter of fact he disliked it to the point that it would make him throw up. I just thought that he didn't want to eat. Boy, was I wrong. He was actually VERY hungry for big people food. He now eats what we eat. He eats mushy chicken, bananas, avocados, sweet potatoes, and mashed potatoes. If there is something he doesn't like just mix it with banana. Yucky... yes, but Mikey likes it!!
Roman is still as cuddly and lovable as ever! We are enjoying every second of him and are cheering on all of the changes as they come along. We are looking forward to spending our first Christmas with this precious child!
Here is Roman looking oh so cute!

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