Okay, well not exactly a walk. Anyone who
A. knows us
B. has encountered us on the street
knows that it is much more like a run.
Satch had class today. This morning we had our girl Emma and her Momma over to play. Once they left I dug deep and found some super human Momma courage. The day was much too pretty to stay inside. After a quick pep talk of "I think I can, I think I can" I loaded up the boys to play at the park.
I have learned in my limited outings as a single parent (single as in for the day while Daddy is away) it is best to put Roman in a carrier and wear him so I can be a little quicker on my feet to run after play with G. As we were exiting the car I explained to G the importance of listening to Mommy.
Me: got it?
G: I pomise Mommy. (I promise Mommy)
I think he may have had his fingers crossed behind his back.
Ahhhh, such an angel!
Here we are.
So far so good.
I knew I could do it...
We are off to a great start.
(okay so what if we were only 15 feet from the vehicle that we just exited)
G had a ball playing on the playground.
My plan was to let him run...
and run in hopes of wearing him out.
Naps are gooooddd!
Okay so I may have chased him once.
Across the park.
Use your imagination here and visualize this.
G running and laughing hysterically
while mother with a 25 lb baby strapped to her RUNNING to catch him and not laughing hysterically.
You can laugh....
everyone else did.
Okay here we are again
after we regrouped.
I had to give a firm reminder of our earlier "pomise."
G asked for a snack.
Note to self: next time get into car and give snack on ride home.
I guess I was now a little overconfident of my super mother abilities.
I thought it would be lovely to eat a snack on a bench while watching the ducks.
We went to the car pulled out the stroller,
loaded the boys
with snacks ready to go!
Here we are just as I imagined
having a fun snack
on the bench.
I stopped to snap a picture
of this monumental day.
Here is Ro
snacking in the sunshine.
We couldn't exactly feed the ducks today
due to the fact that there is neither
hyde nor hair
of a remnant of a carb
within a 100 foot radius of our home.
All good things must eventually come to an end
This is the exact moment that I lost control.
G ditched the stroller and wanted to guide the way.
He insisted that we go, "dat way."
Unfortunately, "dat way" was the wrong way.
I was unable to capture pictures of the way back to the car
due to the fact that I was pushing Ro in the stroller
while carrying G
kicking and screaming the entire way.
I stopped to discuss the situation with him 3 times,
but he was beyond the point.
Over stimulated and past the point of needing a nap.
FINALLY he zonked out in the car
after about 30 more minutes of whining singing
Satch came home to my rescue.
After a hot bubble bath
and a self-pedicure
I think back on the afternoon and smile.
How can you stay mad at a kid who handed you a roll of toilet paper and says,
"here Mommy poo-poo paper."
Gotta love him...
Today wasn't that bad.
All in all it was actually pretty good.
The even better news is that
tomorrow is a new day...