This evening I have been feeling an overwhelming sense of peace.
My life is slightly chaotic with a 4 year old, 2 year old, and a newborn.
My children each take turns throughout the day to make me coo-coo CRAZY.
I am often frazzled and have to remind myself by the minute, "slow to anger and rich in love."
With all of this said there is absolutely no other place that I would rather be.
My husband treats me like a queen and takes such good care of me.
My boys bring such joy to my world.
And for that I am one lucky girl...
I caught my boys in a moment on vacation watching Mickey Mouse. |
OMGoodness.... Can't get enough of this picture. Makes me smile every time I look at it. |
Danger! Danger! Trouble lurking in the background. |
New party trick~ make "punny" faces for the camera |
Each day the boys gathered all of the pillows on the floor and jumped from the chair. This brought on BIG belly laughs. |
Hilarious. |
Give this guy a lawnmower and he starts talking like a trucker and develops quite the 'tude. |
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Griff was so excited the other night about the "fish" that he caught. He went on and on about catching his first fish. I just didn't have the heart to tell him that it was his bait. :) |
The boys were golfing and I was swinging the baby. After they finished Griff ran up to tell me, "Mommy we went golfing and Daddy is not very good." |
The other day I saw Roman picking his nose.
Me- "What are you doing?"
Roman- "Pickin' nose."
Me- "What?!?"
Roman- "roggin'" (froggin")
Words that crack me up:
Roman: pancakes- can cakes
Roman and Griffin: back pack- pak pak
Griffin: hotel- ho in tell
Griffin: Chick-fil-a- Chick a lay
According to Griffin a place where you get a donut - donut house. A place where you get pizza - pizza house. I asked him where you get a hamburger expecting him to say a hamburger house. His response? Duh... Old McDonalds!
When we were leaving the French Quarter from our mini-vacation Griff started asking, "are we there yet?" On our 20 minute trip home he continued to ask this question. After we answered no 20 times he finally said, "you can't say no every time Mommy!"
Who teaches every kid to ask the question, "are we there yet" anyway?!? I guess they all go to the same school...
The other morning I was standing outside of the boys bedroom while they were still in bed chatting. I could hear Roman saying, "Grippin come and get in my bed." Melt my heart!
As we were leaving the Aquarium Griff had a case of overstimulation over tired, not enough sleep major melt down while walking to the car. He stopped in the middle of the grass and said, "why do we have to leave I just came here to dance." Hard to be upset with a kid who had ants in his pants because he came here to dance! :)
I over heard Satch dealing with Roman wanting to pick up New Baby. "Roman don't pick him up or sit on his face either." :)
The boys woke up on Sunday morning (the day we were leaving for vacation) We were still in bed and could hear them yelling from their beds, "Mommy, Daddy ready to go!"
Every time Roman approaches New Baby and says "hey Buddy" it makes me smile AND cringe. Must keep a constant eye on those 2! Speaking of- the other morning Co-Co was in his swing I turned to look at him and his tiny body was leaning forward. I let out a yell and saved him from Roman who was trying to carry him.
I was laying with Griff during quiet time. He started calling me "Sleeping Judy." I will take that as a compliment and assume that Sleeping Judy is Sleeping Beauty's older sister.
Roman talks to "Joshua" all the time. Kinda thinking that Joshua may be his imaginary friend.
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