Friday, August 3, 2012

Reasons that I smile...

Life with a newborn.
It has not been that long since we had a newborn in the house, but how quickly we forget.
It is amazing to me how a person so tiny can command such control.
I am at the mercy of a  6 week old baby.
Our lives (for the moment) revolve around feeding and keeping content a 13 lb baby boy.
It is a struggle most some days, I am constantly tired and often frazzled, but so in love with that baby.
Just when I think I am at the end of my rope he just gives me a little smile.
And that is all I need for everything in my world to be right.
Because it's all good...
Super CUTE!!
See these 2 right here?
The big one on the left LOVES to wake up the little one on the right as soon as he naps. 
Reason enough to smile right here.
Rainy night fun in the big tub.
You sure we have to keep him? :)
Funny story.  I had a friend coming over and decided to fancy up my yoga pants with some earrings.
All of a sudden my 2 year old calls me out from across the room.
"Mommy why you got popcorn in you ear?"
I could not stop laughing.  (mind your business kid!!)
So my 4 year old gets home later in the day and immediately asks me,
"Mommy why you got popcorn in you ear?"
So much for being fancy with popcorn flower earrings!!
Loving on New Baby during story time.
I love watching Roman during his imaginative play time.
Here he is making his guys "wurk" on the garbage truck.
His dialogue is priceless.
The other day Griff was walking around with his underwear on his head.
Satch said, "I don't know about you but I sure wouldn't wear my underwear on my head."
Seriously, who would have ever thought that would be a conversation in my house.
Party hats to wish Tio John a happy birthday!!
Licking the bowl is awesome at ANY age!!
(gotta love the chocolate on their faces)
Roman watching the garbage men out the window.
This is always a highlight of his week!
*Anytime Roman refers to a set of twins he calls them the "two of em."

*When Baby Bear puts on his baseball cap he calls himself a "cool dude."

*Griff was stung by a wasp and first asked, "am I going to die?"  He then asked to go to the "mergency room."  A tad high on the drama!

*The other day Griff must have had a slight case of gas.  I asked him what's up with all the tooting.  He told me "it's da law everybody toots Mommy."

*Back to Griff and his slight case of gas.  He says excuse me every time that he toots.  I often hear him "excuse me, excuse me, excuse me, excuse me." Can't help but laugh.  I am the mother of 3 boys...

*The other day I said "why does Roman have peanut butter on his shoulders?"  Satch said probably the same reason he has peanut butter in his eyebrows.

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