Monday, April 25, 2011


Easter Morning...
The most glorious day of the year
to celebrate our Risen Lord.

Such hope once again for new life and new beginnings!

Griffin and Roman's loot from the Easter Bunny.

Griff just noticed the stash.
Woah... what is this?
No worries~ the little one enjoyed the gifts too!
All of my boys
Uncle Al, Griff, Ro-ski, and Satch
"I know it is 7:30AM, but can we "peas, peas go play outside?"
Satch wearing the dinosaur head.
Roman in the dinosaur head
Roman the human vacuum cleaner sucking up all of the marshmallows off the floor.
MiMi loving on Ro-ski.
Ro-ski loves to play!
Brothers bonding
Tio John and Roman before the Easter service at The Vineyard.
Griff showing Tio his new stuff.
Satch, AKA Grill Master. ;)
Lunch on the patio. We were delighted to have Erica join us.

Thank you Jesus for dying for our sins and giving us the hope of new life...

1 comment:

  1. I am glad it looks like a mini-Christmas morning at your house too!
