Friday, April 29, 2011

Royal Wedding

I found out last Friday that Prince William and Kate Middleton were engaged.  Just 1 week later they were already getting married.  You know I am totally "in-the-know" when it comes to current events. :)

Apparently this royal wedding was a big deal to many folks.  My thoughts were who bloody cares (always wanted to use the word bloody) but I guess that is just me, right?  Roman must have gotten an invitation to watch the ordeal because he was squawking at 5:30 am.  To my surprise the wedding was taking place at the crack of dawn.  I had not taken a second to even consider the time difference.  I will not lie, I did take a looky-look at Kate's dress.  Fancy...

This evening I loaded up my 2 princes and headed out to a tea to watch the wedding ti-vo style.  Okay, so not into this wedding and teas are not exactly "my cup of tea," BUT I am always up for a party! (and to support a friend hosting a party too)  We were only able to stay for about an hour because we were approaching the witching hour and I did not want for everyone to witness my princes turn into pumpkins.  I must say that the set up very royal.  Great job Cristina!

Love the mini wedding cake from Haydel's bakery.

I am a fan of pretty things.
Adorable with the monogram of the newly weds.
I proudly present to you the handsome prince.
The adorable princess
and the duke of cute!

Don't you just want to EAT HIM UP?!?
Prince and Princess paper dolls. 
The kiss.
and a hug too. :)

Water hose

The boys and I have been enjoying the lovely spring weather.
Every afternoon we play outside until it is time to come in for baths and bed.

I typically water the flowers,
Griffin usually streaks,
and Roman likes to drive the car.

This is a win/win situation on all accounts!

Yesterday Griff got his hands on the water-hose.
It took about 1 minute to turn it on his brother.
Baby Bear loved it!
We also built a fort with our favorite blanket.
These "everyday moments" are so special for me.
Baby Bear splashing in the puddle.
Reaching up for a hug,
and melting me with the bat of his eyelashes.
What can I say?
My boys have me wrapped around their little fingers. ;)

2 weeks notice

I was nursing Roman on the evening of his 1st birthday.  I was looking down at my baby and flooded with so many memories and emotions.  We are nearing the end of our special time together.  I am not sure when our last feeding will be so I savor each time like it is.  I suppose I am turning in my 2 week notice as the "Dairy Queen."   

I nursed both of my babies for their first year.  I don't know if that was ever really the "plan," but I am so happy that it worked out that way both times.  I intended to nurse my first child for selfish reasons.  Rumor (I have proven it to be just that) had it that nursing helps you to drops the lbs quickly.  I was bound and determined to make it work.  The beginning with Griffin was not easy.  We had to work very hard to make IT work.  Roman on the other hand nursed like a pro from his first feeding.  

I have enjoyed the countless hours that I have spent bonding with my babies over our milk dates.  I was able to provide to them the perfect nutrition to sustain life.  This makes me stop for a moment to say, "wow." 

This body that I am in constant battle with was able to conceive and carry 2 healthy baby boys. This body that I struggle with produced enough food for both of my boys to never require a drop of formula.  This body even provided more than enough milk for my baby that I am able to donate 200 ounces of milk to another precious baby.  I guess this body is pretty amazing after all...

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Roman's 1st birthday

Our baby boy turned "1" today!
What a wonderful occasion to celebrate.
In following with our birthday tradition
 the kitchen was decorated and waiting to start the day off with a smile!  
 "Momma card" and party hats are a must!
 Here we are.
The birthday boy looks a bit confused.
I mean it was 6:30am!
 "Wait.... a party for me?!? COUNT. ME. IN!!"
 Party hats are a must. I'll take the pink one!
 "Thanks for the card. It is very beautiful and probably tasty too!" ;)
 I like it!
 Daddy with Baby Bear.
 "You guys are alright for 6:30am!"
 Well look who came out of retirement just for this glorious occasion.  Uncle Al!
 Griff took a while to warm up.  I mean he is "3"
 The real reason that Uncle Al came out of retirement.... crumb catchin' from Baby Bear!
 Once home this afternoon it was time to pump the party again!
Look at the tan on Griff~ imagine him into the summer!
 Wait... what's going on?

 Happy birthday to you...
 Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday Dear ROMAN...
 Happy birthday to you!
 Dream BIG my baby!
 My world.
 We have been practicing for this.
Now let's eat cake!

Happy birthday to my sweet baby.
I hope that you enjoyed your day .
I love to celebrate life with our family!

Roman~ 1 year update

Dearest Roman,

I can not believe that one year ago  you graced the world with your presence.  Even though it has only been a year it seems like you have been a part of our family forever.  This has been the longest/shortest year of my life.  We had quite an adjustment period, but 1 year into our journey as a family of 4 we are all still alive to tell our story!  God knew exactly what he was doing when he placed your into our family~ you were the perfect addition.  You are beautiful, oh-so-smart, funny, and sprinkled with a touch of sass.  You ARE my child!   

You are a joy to all whose lives that you have touched in your short time here.  Your smile lights up the world and your laughter is the BEST medicine!  For such a little guy your presence is larger than life.   

When I look at you I see the good of the world.  You inspire me to be better.  A better mother. A better person.    You have already taught me so much about motherhood.  I no longer "hover" but instead "swarm."  ;)  On your first birthday we celebrate.  We celebrate YOU because you are so special and one of our greatest gifts...

April 22, 2010- 1st induction
You were not ready yet.
 After a day in the hospital we  went home
with a roast beef po-boy instead of a baby.

April 27, 2010- 2nd induction
You still were not ready,
 but due to your size you were forced into this world via c-section.
It's a BOY!
Roman Wade
4:46 p.m.
9lbs 1oz  20.5 inches

1 month
2 months
3 months
4 months
5 months
6 months
7 months
8 months
9 months
10 months
11 months

12 months

Happy, happy birthday my sweet baby!  I love celebrating life with you...

All my love,