Friday, July 13, 2012

Vacation Bible School

A few weeks ago Griffin went to vacation bible school at a church near our house.  We are not members of this particular church.  I learned about the program through a friend who is the worship leader at the church.  Once I learned that they took 4 year olds and discussed it with Satch we decided to give it a try.  I mean in a few short months he is about to start school in a totally foreign place.  Sniff. Sniff...

On the way there I told him where he was going and got him really excited about it.  He was happy to jump out of the car and walk in with me.   It took a second a sign him up.  I then walked him over to his class.  He was very proud and such a big boy.  It was much more difficult for me to walk away than I imagined.  He was trying to be big, but his lip was quivering and he was holding back big tears.  (I was 2 weeks postpartum)  I may have had a tear or two in my eye as well.  

I was so sad driving away.  I mean I just left my baby with a group of total strangers.  What if he was in total melt down mode and was not going to survive without me?!?

My friend sent me a picture of my big boy so sad to be on his own!  Doesn't he look like he is just falling apart?

Seriously, I am so proud of Griff.  He did great!  Each day it got a little easier for him when I dropped him off.  When we picked him up at the end of each evening we literally had to force him out of the building.  Roman on the other hand was NOT okay.  He cried each day that he also wanted to go to "bible cool" (bible school) with BeBe.

We loaded up the car on Friday evening to go watch Griff at the closing program.  All week he shared with us bits of pieces of what they were doing.  He even picked up some new dance moves.  "Look Mommy you go side to side, side to side."  (he got the not so smooth moves of his daddy!)

When the program was about to begin our guy wanted to see where we were sitting.  He stood up in his pew and scanned the audience to find his family.  Oh my goodness did we laugh!

Here are the rest of us cheering on Griffin!  Cohen may not look enthusiastic, but trust me he was proud of BeBe too!  

 They turned the lights down and it was showtime.  I did not notice this until I watched the video.  Here is Griff working his way to the overhead projector.  Once there he made hand puppets in the shadow on the screen.  This is SOOOOOOO Griff and I can't help but smile.  Our boy marches to his own beat.  He only had the screen for a quick minute before the teacher pulled him away from the spotlight!  :)

Here is our big boy singing and dancing for Jesus.  So obviously at some point in the week he paid attention to learn all of the songs and dances.  He was dancing and singing his little heart out!

Here he is finding us in the audience again.  He is hilarious...

After the program Griff was showing off his new stuff.  The theme this year was "Shake it up cafe."

This was the first step in letting out big boy out into the world.  I'm so happy he was able to experience new things, meet new friends, and have a ball in the meantime!  Go Griff!!

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