Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Roman Holiday

Yesterday was Roman's turn for his one on one time with Momma and MiMi. 
(oh and Cohen too)
I thought it would be fun to take him back to the LCM 
and let him pick what he wanted to do, 
and let him do his chosen activity for as long as his little heart desired.

I whispered to him in the morning that we had a special surprise for him.
I told him that he would be able to cook in the fun kitchen again.
As soon as the words escaped my lips he was running through the house
squealing about "cookin' in da kitchen!"
Guess he didn't get the memo that loose lips sink ships!!

As we were heading downtown to spend the day with him he asked about BeBe. (Griff)
Gotta  love his heart and that he desires to include his brother in his fun times.

*Warning obscene amount of pics to follow.  Now carry on.*  

Baby Bear and MiMi hand in hand on the way to his "Roman holiday."

Once inside we didn't waste any time and headed straight to the cafe
where Roman put on his chef jacket and went to work.

While working on the line he made a sandwich for MiMi...

...and served it with a smile.

He then went back to work scrubbing pots in the sink.

He was giving this little boy the "stank eye" for cooking in his kitchen.
Baby Bear is a trip.

Now the serious cooking is about to begin.
Notice the intensity on his face as he stirs up his pot.

"Bam" that is how it is done!

The "stank eye" was then redirected to me...

"Get out of my kitchen Mommy" with the finger point.
Oh no he didn't!!!

I guess he needed a little more room to work his magic.

Here he is cooking up a storm.
What's on the menu?
Why gumbo of course!

The look is just too much!

Serving his gumbo up to MiMi.
His smile says it all~
he is so proud of his food.

After serving lunch and dinner he then headed over to Winn Dixie
to make some groceries.

Oh how I love this boy.

Time to check out.

I love this child's mind.
He didn't just throw "stuff" into his basket.
He thought out a meal of his favorite things.
Boiled crabs with corn and french bread,
red beans,
and ice cream for dessert.
These are all of his favorite things!
Pretty impressive for a 2 year old.

Our sleeping prince was just along for the ride.

What's for dinner in the cajun cottage?
Duh... a pot of crabs of course!

I love you!

Okay, I'm getting a little crabby!

We had such a fun day with Baby Bear on his "Roman holiday!"
He is  such a joy to hang out with.
He is game for just about anything and his smile and disposition is so delightful.
Love this boy more than words can say...

Can't wait to see what Griff picks for his one-on-one special day!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Louisiana Children's Museum

Every year we get a membership to either the Zoo or Louisiana children's museum.
We love these local attractions for kids.
It is great to be able to pop in and out over the course of the year.  

This year we opted for the LCM. (Louisiana children's museum)
I was especially excited to take Roman.
The last time he went he was probably about a year old. 
He has such a interest in cooking.
I could not wait to see his reaction in the kids cafe and
to watch him make groceries at Winn Dixie.

Once we got there Satch and I each tailed a kid.
I had Cohen in a carrier and followed Roman
while Satch sprinted after followed Griff. 
(that is why I have more pictures of Baby Bear)

My guys on their way to a fun day!
Imagine if you called for an emergency
and these 2 showed up to rescue you!
Silly boys!
Can you see the excitement.
Their feet are not even touching the ground.
Oh My Goodness.
This child was in heaven cooking in the kitchen.
Baby Bear is such a serious chef.
Loading up his pots to cook.
Now it is time to make groceries at Winn Dixie.
Pretty cool...
Only the finest produce will do for this little Chef.
What's for dinner?
Crabs!  This boy loves crabs!
Griff checking out the customers while talking into a banana phone. 
Thank you kind Sir.  Come again soon!
I love the colorful artwork.
Cohen along for the ride.
Daddy and Co-Co.
Happy boy.
I love this picture of Roman filled with back light.

As much as Baby Bear loved cooking in the cafe he moved on to do other things.
At one point he whispered to me,
"Mommy I go back to cook?"
He is such a good boy...

Just as I suspected the boys had a ball.
Over the next few weeks I will take them each out for one on one time to spend the afternoon doing things that they want to do at the museum.

Looking forward to enjoying our membership over the next year!


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Happy birthday Emma

Yesterday we headed out to the Monkey Room for Emma's 3rd birthday party.
My big boys were excited because:
(1) They both claim Emma as their girl
(2) They love the Monkey Room.

Emma's Momma always goes WAY out on her girl's birthday.
This year she did not disappoint.
The decorations and birthday girl were precious.  

Emma's momma, who also goes by Cristina, :) asked for me to bring my camera.
Why sure!
I'd love to...

I did a good job before hand of getting her awesome set up.
I even managed to get cute family pics.
I did however fail on the HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHOT!
I am really upset with myself.
I was not positioned well when the kids poured in.  

Here were my options:
(1) Take out a few kid in order to "capture the moment" and look like a complete maniac
(2) Miss the moment.

I chose option 2 and I'm still sweating it.

So sorry Cristina to let you down...

Now on a happier note~
bright and pretty pictures!

Great cake
Cake balls
Family of "4"

So cute.

Emma some of her biggest fans.
Daniel and Alex
DJ Lance
The cake with the candles lit.
Wait for it.
Wait for it.
Missed it.
Bad position and I had a tall kid in front of it.
Back to happy thoughts.
Roman and buddy Bash.
These 2 are adorable.
They just look at each other and giggle.