Friday, January 21, 2011

Hello....McFly.... Is anybody out there?!?!

Blogging.... it is sort of an unusual thing? I do it to record some of the occurrences that we as a family experience with everyday life. I always want to remember the precious and often times not so precious moments that we share. I look forward to the day many years down the road that my boys will have an opportunity to remember the early years of their life through their mommas eyes.

Here is the thing with blogging~ it is a bit voyeuristic. I mean I am opening up myself and my family for the world to see. It is sort of an "elephant in the room" situation. Here is a quick example:
I run across a "friends" blog and read it. The next time I run into my "friend" do I:
(a) mention that I read their blog?
(b) pretend like I have no idea that they blog nor do I let on to the fact that I actually read it?

I often times wrestle with should I keep my blog public or should I make it private? My most important job is to protect my family and never intentionally put them in harms way. To this point I have kept it public because I am okay sharing the material that I include on here. I always keep a close watch and will switch it to private in a New York minute if I ever feel the need.

Now to the point of this ramble. I have no idea who reads my random thoughts of the day. No offense but I do not blog for YOU I actually do it for ME. However, I have a feeling that someone out there in cyberspace gives this a quick read ever now and then. It is okay to comment and let me know that you are out there. If you run into me on the street it is okay to let me know that you from time to time actually read Wiggles and Giggles. As a matter of fact if you ask nicely I may even sign an autograph for you... I kid. I kid! ;)


  1. I read your blog - every single bit of it! I love it.

  2. Long time listener, firt time caller - love it Richoux!

  3. I confess!!!! I am a Wiggles and Giggles groupie!!!
