Griff is at such a fun stage. He is talking non stop and beginning to "perform" for us. He has quite the vocabulary and pulls out a new word or two every day. In the spirit of remembrance of his cute ways here are some of our current favorites:
- poo-woo Ro-kee..... tinky! Anytime there is unpleasant odor he automatically blames it on Roman. (even if that unpleasant smell is coming from his own hiney!)
- ank you....welcome (thank you followed by your welcome) This boy has manners. After pretty much every request he says thank you and then answers himself with your welcome.
- pess pay momma...pess pay! (press play momma) He repeats this phase over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over.... Do you feel me on this one?
- I coming! This is adorable! When you call his name he responds with "I coming." This is his Daddy's favorite at the moment.
- EEELLLLLPPPP! (help and insert dramatic voice) The boy is not afraid to ask for help. He even asks for help while doing things that are no-nos. The nerve of some!
- peas... (please) He yells a request and then whispers please and pats his chest. This has been his own sign language for please.
- sawree (sorry) He knows exactly how to use this one. I read that this is the first level of manipulation! ;)
- Pippen's house (Griffin's house) Every day as we get home and drive in front of our house he says this. I look forward to this one everyday!
- twain twack (train track) His is currently way into trains. He says this whenever he spots a train. As luck would have it we have to cross a twain twack to get to and from our house!
- OH DEAR!!!! (insert VERY dramatic Home Alone hands to the face motion) He picked this one up from his class mates.
- oh gawsh or oh gaaawwwwdddd (oh gosh or oh god) He alternates between these two phases. I am quick to remind that MiMi did it! I would like to scrub this one from his BRAIN!!
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