I have been reflecting over this past year and I am about to make a very bold statement. 2010 was my favorite year~ EVER. Yes, my very favorite of the 34 years that I have been on this earth. I am in a happy place right now and I seem to be catching my stride.
Just because it is my favorite year doesn't mean that it was easy. Juggling life between a husband, newborn, two year old, running a household, and a part-time career comes with its fair amount of pressure and stress. I am defiantly running low on sleep and lose my temper quicker than I would like to admit. Funny thing about it~ when I think back on the year that doesn't matter. What does matter is love and joy that I give and receive from my precious family. 2010 was a year of working on relationship and healing some past wounds. God has been so good to me and I would like to acknowledge a few special blessings that made 2010 stand out above the rest. Here are my favorite memories of 2010~

~The sweetest words that we waited 9 months to hear. "It's a boy!!" The birth of Roman Wade. It was love at first sight. I remember looking at my baby and thinking, "he is just perfect."
~About a month ago Griffin said for the first time, "I love you Momma." Sure he has said it in the past, but this time was different. It was the first time that he said it out of the blue and I know that it came from the bottom of his giant heart!
~I took a little time this year for myself. I joined a MOPS group (mothers of preschoolers) and have made some lasting bonds with some awesome Mommas.
~ We celebrated Satch's 40 birthday. His celebration lasted an entire weekend. It was the least that I could do for the most incredible husband/father!
It was not by design that each memory spotlighted each of us individually. It just kind of worked out that way. I pray that the momentum of last year carries into this! 2011~ ready or not here we come!!
Even though I am missing from that picture =) If has been so awesome getting to know you and I love calling you friend! I can't wait to see what 2011 has for us all!