Old man winter came roaring through a few days ago and has over stayed his welcome. I'm not going to lie.... it is cold! This southern girl lives in the south for a reason!
I have been wondering what in the world do mothers who live up north and actually experience a full winter do with their children? Do they stay under some sort of house arrest for 3+ months? How do they get their children dressed with layers of clothes, coats, scarfs, and gloves? More importantly, once dressed like the "Marshmallow Man" how do they buckle the kids into the car seat when they are so puffy?
I have been reaching to keep my boys entertained over the past few days. Here is what we did this evening:
Griffin found many uses for our clothes basket after he dumped our clean and folded clothes onto the ground. I guess that is what I get for not promptly putting our things away.
Here he is again with his new and favorite toy~ the clothes basket! FYI for all of you who might not know. Clothes basket+ blanket= awesome tent!
Next he moved on to play "daaka" (doctor) with a pair of ear buds. He gave Ro-skee and myself a complete work up. I had to find a new game when he wanted to give us eye exams.
We have been doing WAY too much of this. Gotta love children of today. He loads the computer with his DVD. All that he needs for me to do is, "press play Momma."
Next up.... story time! Notice that his Toy Story DVD is never out of his reach. He pitched a fit right before this. When he finally calmed down enough to get words out he told me that he wanted his blanket. I had to track the blanket back across the house. Remember folks this multi purpose blanket was his make shift tent! I
honestly had no idea that he was attached to this blanket?!?

Finally bedtime.... Good night and dream BIG my precious angel.
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