Satch had school last Saturday. That meant that I was flying solo with the boys and we had 2 birthday parties to attend. I think I can, I think I can...
I L-O-V-E birthday parties. This goes back to my childhood. I celebrated my birthday the entire month of May. This is what you could call "extreme birthday parting!" It went a little like this:
-school party
-family party
-other side of the family party
-friend party
I have carried on this birthday obsession with my children. Today is Monday and G is still saying "appy burday partee." (happy birthday party) A child after my own heart! I love the idea that just for one day (okay more for us extreme birthday partiers) it is all about YOU. Friends all get together to celebrate your life. That is a pretty cool day in my book! It has nothing to do with the amount of money spent and everything to do with the intention behind it.
First stop of the day~ Jack's bounce house birthday party!
Happy 4th birthday Jack!
Pizza time!
Now for the best part of a birthday party..... Cake!Aside from G trying to turn Jack's party into a disco party(he kept turning off the lights in the party room) he did okay! Special thanks to everyone who helped out with Roman so I could focus some attention on G.
Luckily we got a little of this in the car on the way to our second party of the afternoon. The little blessings in life...
I love it! We are glad yall made it. You did good even without Kenton!