Monday, January 31, 2011

Bond of brothers

I was getting the boys dressed on Saturday morning when Griffin pulled out his tunnel. Next thing you know something beautiful happened before my very eyes. For the first time my boys REALLY played together. I had so much fun watching them entertain each other! This Momma could not get enough of the deep down belly laughs ...

Special Edition

Today I would like to share a special edition of Wiggles and Giggles called "Kicking and Screaming." I typically share the the fun and entertaining going-ons around the house. Very seldom do I write or let on that it is not always paradise. Melt downs do not always translate well into words~ video is where it's at! Well, here you go. This is a day in the life...

I am happy to say that our good days by far outweigh the bad. We had a few rough patches that I hope are permanently sealed in the history book. (at least round 1) However as a parent, NEVER say NEVER! Currently Griffin gets into his car seat without World War III and he gets dressed in the morning AND after bath time without tears shed by both he and I.

This video is an example of a mini-melt down. We were trying to get home after a long day and the road construction was REALLY bad. We were crawling down the road and both of the boys were over it. Grab some popcorn and ENJOY!!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Roman 8 month update

As a Momma I have many jobs. One of my jobs that I take very seriously is taking pictures of my boys. I am officially a card carrying member of the Mammarazzi~ perhaps even the president! I am sad to say that I did not "officially" take 8 month pictures of Roman because "my precious" had to be returned for repairs. Instead I have been taking pictures with my iphone. Here are my favorite pictures of Roman this month.

Hands down without a doubt the most notable milestone of the month was.... drum roll please.... Roman's first word~ "Momma." It is still music to my ears.

We had a rough couple of weeks. His teeth were giving him fits. He visited all of the phases of teething minus the teeth. (cranky, disturbed sleep, diarrhea, diaper rash, and fever) His gums are still very swollen and his front teeth are there, but still have not broken the skin. I hate to see my little guy in such pain.

Roman started going to Ms. P's house 3 times a week. It was/is hard to let him go, but his adjustment period was not too bad. On of the most notable changes over the past few weeks is his want/desire to play. This makes me happy.

We had another great month with the little guy. We are looking forward to the new and exciting changes that will happen over the next month. If only time would slow down just a tad...

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Being a mother...
I wish I could put to words the feeling that I get when I look at my boys.
I have loved very deeply before,
but this is different.
When I think about them
I can actually feel my heart.

I pray for their happiness
and the ability to take away their pain...

I try to be just a little kinder to others
and to enjoy life a little more
because I know that they are watching.

The world is not a pretty place,
but I try to do my part to make it better.
For my boys...

I love to watch them take in life
you know,
the little things that we take for granted.
Watching Roman touch a blade of grass in for the first time.
Listening to Griffin say "Wow" when he sees things that amaze him
like big buildings and Christmas lights.

When I look at my boys I see the good.
I don't remember the months of interrupted sleep
and I don't remember the throw yourself on the floor tantrums.
Instead I see that God really loves me.
He loves me so much that he entrusted me with these precious gifts...

Monday, January 24, 2011


Today is day 1. I have had day 1 M-A-N-Y times before and it is never fun. I have silently battled with myself and my appearance namely my weight for many years. I say some pretty horrible things to myself. The things that I say to myself I would never think much less say to another person. Why? Because they can be pretty mean, nasty, and hurtful.

Today I am making the first step to change my harmful thoughts and behaviors. Having a 2nd baby really takes a toll on the body~ especially in your 30s. For the past 8 months I typically run on fumes from an erratic sleep schedule~ and I use the word "schedule" very loosely. I have also been feeling the effects of constant nursing with no supplements. Do not get me wrong I am not whining or complaining. These are conscious decisions that I have made and wouldn't have it any other way. My point being I have basically dedicated my body to science for the past few years and I am ready to reclaim a piece of myself.

I have fought the good fight for many years, but I was tired. I was tired of putting in A LOT of effort with diet and exercise and seeing little results. I guess you can say that I have been on a "dieting sabbatical" since the month of December. I know that I have genetics working against me, but I am entirely too vain to cash out. I simply want to be healthy, happy and set a positive example for the little people who watch and mimic my every move. Today I have a renewed commitment to myself, my husband and my boys.

Me, being "me" has to follow a very disciplined "diet." The plan that I am following is not earth shattering. Eat less, move more, cut back on carbs and sugar. Eat lots of lean protein, countless veggies, limited fruit, probiotics, and healthy oils. Oh yeah, and drown yourself in water! I follow this for a cycle and then change it up on cycle II and then on to cycle III.

I have such a supportive husband who cheers me along every step of the way. He and his bean pole self even follows along with me. Usually about 3 days in when he reaches his "fighting weight" he no longer tells me that he has lost 10x the amount of weight that I have. Some things are best left unsaid!

Here is just a peek at the very large grocery bill that I made today. We have been detoxing our house of the "junk" over the past few weeks.
This is my ultimate motivation #1. (of course in no particular order) There is nothing like those big eyes to get me through another day.
This is motivation #2. I want to be around for those sweet kisses for many years. At this point in time I am the most impressionable woman in these boys lives. I want to set a good example for them to follow. I want to run and play and be active in all the things that they do!
I'm not quite sure why I am writing about this tonight? This is not a topic that I like to talk about and certainly not in a public forum. I guess I am just really ready to make some healthy changes in my happily ever after...

Bounce House Birthday~ To Infinity and Beyond...

Satch had school last Saturday. That meant that I was flying solo with the boys and we had 2 birthday parties to attend. I think I can, I think I can...

I L-O-V-E birthday parties. This goes back to my childhood. I celebrated my birthday the entire month of May. This is what you could call "extreme birthday parting!" It went a little like this:
-school party
-family party
-other side of the family party
-friend party

I have carried on this birthday obsession with my children. Today is Monday and G is still saying "appy burday partee." (happy birthday party) A child after my own heart! I love the idea that just for one day (okay more for us extreme birthday partiers) it is all about YOU. Friends all get together to celebrate your life. That is a pretty cool day in my book! It has nothing to do with the amount of money spent and everything to do with the intention behind it.

First stop of the day~ Jack's bounce house birthday party!

Jack's Momma put together a really cute and creative party for her little guy. I am a sucker for birthday banners and pretty cakes!
Happy 4th birthday Jack!
Pizza time!
Now for the best part of a birthday party..... Cake!
Aside from G trying to turn Jack's party into a disco party(he kept turning off the lights in the party room) he did okay! Special thanks to everyone who helped out with Roman so I could focus some attention on G.

Luckily we got a little of this in the car on the way to our second party of the afternoon. The little blessings in life...

Fancy dress up tea party

We had the pleasure of celebrating NJ's 4th birthday on Saturday. It was our second party of the day. Needless to say I said a prayer or two on the way that we would be able to hold the wheels on. I made sure that my boys "dressed to impress" at this fancy tea party!

NJ's momma is a a good friend and a very special lady to me. She did such an awesome job putting NJ's party together. She went over and beyond on the games to make sure that everyone had fun! I love the look on NJ's face in this picture. Gotta love an awesome dance party!
This picture is so funny. Even though G didn't want to participate in the "girl" games he made sure to watch from a safe distance.
I love this picture of NJ. She is such a sweet and special little lady.

NJ's brother CJ. All this precious child wanted was a balloon. He was all smiles once he woke up from a nap and got his wish!
Present time!!
After a wardrobe change it was time to open gifts.
This picture is so sweet of the girls.
Thanks NJ for having us over to your party! We had such a fun time...

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Dear Hollywood,
Call me...
The Griff

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Visions of a 1st date.

Fast forward 15 years...

I hope she likes me...
"Appy burday Atalie!"
(Happy birthday Natalie)
Better make that 20 years! ;)

Friday, January 21, 2011

Haircut~ on the fly

This afternoon I did something and did not give it much thought. If I would have given it more thought I probably would have not even attempted the task at all. I brought G in for haircut to a new place with BOTH boys in tow.

G has erratic behavior when it comes to haircuts. Sometimes he is pretty good, sometimes not so good, and others we won't even go there. I have taken him to "snarling scissors" for all of his other haircuts. Today on the fly I called a random place that I knew nothing of to see if they could squeeze him in. The phone conversation went a little like this:
Smiling Scissor lady: Hello how may I help you?
Me: Do you cut children's hair? If so are you available this afternoon? If so I feel like I must mention that he can be a bit of a challenge while getting a little trimmy-trim."

In my mind I threw the disclaimer out there. If it went terribly wrong Ms. Smiling Scissors couldn't say that I didn't warn her!

We got to the salon and he was all smiles until it came time to sit in the chair. That would be a no-go Mommy-O! I was thinking that I would have to pay Ms. Smiling Scissor lady and walk out the door without a single hair trimmed. Think quick.... I put Roman on the floor against the corner and sat in the chair with G. No cape necessary. We needed to get this show on the road and get it going quick! He didn't like it, but he somewhat cooperated. The entire haircut he had crocodile tears and said, "ouch.... Ouch.... ouch Mommy..." I came prepared with bribes. The irresistible bag of pa-corn. (popcorn) I waited until the perfect moment to pull out the big guns and it worked like a charm.

Ms. Smiling Scissor lady was great. She followed directions, was patient with G, and even corralled Roman back into the salon when he tried to parole himself out the door.... four times.

Hello....McFly.... Is anybody out there?!?!

Blogging.... it is sort of an unusual thing? I do it to record some of the occurrences that we as a family experience with everyday life. I always want to remember the precious and often times not so precious moments that we share. I look forward to the day many years down the road that my boys will have an opportunity to remember the early years of their life through their mommas eyes.

Here is the thing with blogging~ it is a bit voyeuristic. I mean I am opening up myself and my family for the world to see. It is sort of an "elephant in the room" situation. Here is a quick example:
I run across a "friends" blog and read it. The next time I run into my "friend" do I:
(a) mention that I read their blog?
(b) pretend like I have no idea that they blog nor do I let on to the fact that I actually read it?

I often times wrestle with should I keep my blog public or should I make it private? My most important job is to protect my family and never intentionally put them in harms way. To this point I have kept it public because I am okay sharing the material that I include on here. I always keep a close watch and will switch it to private in a New York minute if I ever feel the need.

Now to the point of this ramble. I have no idea who reads my random thoughts of the day. No offense but I do not blog for YOU I actually do it for ME. However, I have a feeling that someone out there in cyberspace gives this a quick read ever now and then. It is okay to comment and let me know that you are out there. If you run into me on the street it is okay to let me know that you from time to time actually read Wiggles and Giggles. As a matter of fact if you ask nicely I may even sign an autograph for you... I kid. I kid! ;)

The sweetest sounds...

Roman and I have been secretly rehearsing something over the past few months. That would be him saying the word, "Momma." I know, I know... but I can't help it.

He has been on me all day today because of his mean and nasty front tooth. This tooth is giving him a really hard time. Anyway, I randomly decided to take a little video while we were hanging out. Can you believe that I actually recorded him saying "mom mom mom" for the first time! Waaaayyyyy cool if I do say so myself! You may detect a little excitement in my voice. Come on people~ this is what us mommas live for!

A baby saying "mom" for the first time is the sweetest sound. Roman just made my day/week/month by simply uttering that one little syllable. Now THAT is music to this mommas ears...

Knock knock...

Dear Roman's soon to be front tooth,
Enough already with the dramatics. We have been expecting you for over a week. I understand the need to make a grand entrance, but please give my baby a break. Don't make me call the Tooth Fairy on your tardy arrival...

Roman's Momma

They're Back...

This is what I woke up to this morning. Jeff, Anthony, Murray, and Greg Wiggle tucked in safe and sound with G's favorite blanket and pillow.

The boys have been MIA for a while. I was afraid that they had been "shelved" in favor of something bigger and better. It made me smile to see that G still cares. He cares enough to tuck them in to make sure that they are nice and warm on this chilly day. He cares enough to leave them with his favorite pillow and blanket. In the world of a 2 year old that is love...
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Thursday, January 20, 2011


It feels so good
even if only for a minute
to relax in a clean house...

That is until
the afternoon
wrecking crew returns...

So for now
I smile.
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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Hello 911. What seems to be your emergency?

Today was nothing special and just started like any other.
rise and shine
out the door
drop off 1
drop off 2
off to work I go

After I dropped off Griff I had to drive in front of the entrance of our subdivision to get to where I needed to go. I noticed a man walking and had an uneasy feeling. I was a little disappointed in myself. The man was not doing anything wrong he was just walking. Bad Ayia and shame on me for casting judgement.

About 10 minutes down the road I received a call from Satch. He was on the phone with the alarm company. Our house alarm was going off and he was making sure that I was not in the house and accidentally set the system off. That would be a "NO" I am driving to work. At this point neither of us were terribly concerned. The alarm company then told us the point of entry that was causing all of the racket. That would be a door that is never used. Instantly my heart sank. All of the what ifs started racing through my head.
What if someone is in our house right now?
What if they hurt Al-dog or Al-dog dies of a heart attack?
What if this happened and I was home with the boys?

Satch told the alarm company send out the PoPo to investigate. I didn't know what to do. Continue driving or go home? I decided to press forward and wait for a call from Satch telling me that all was good in the hood.

tick... tock... tick... tock...

Let me tell you. The next 45 minutes seemed to stand still. I waited what seemed like an eternity to get the scoop. I called Satch a few times to get an update. He had nothing.

I drove 45 minutes down the road with white knuckles holding onto my phone and my mind going to BAD places. Was it good or bad that we had not received a call? My brain went automatically to bad. Ah-ha! I was right about that guy totally minding his own business and walking down the street! I must have had a premonition! Is it possible for me to have psychic abilities? I mean I am a really good judge of character and sometimes get "feelings" about people. I'm quite sure at this very moment the police have him hog tied on the ground after they caught him trying to escape with Thomas the Train and a Danielle Steele novel in one arm and a chips and dip bowl in the other?!? Folks it was a L---O---N---G drive with myself and my imagination.

FINALLY I receive a call from Satch. He called the alarm company to get the status. Apparently the protocol is if everything checks out they DO NOT give you a call back. Okay... strange, but happy that all is well right? WRONG! He was half way home and we needed answers. Why exactly did the alarm go off in the first place?

I was on the phone with him as he combed the potential crime scene. He was armed with his cell phone in one hand and trusty golf club in the other. Al-Dog was a nervous wreck and hiding in the bathroom with his tail between his legs. As he walked through the house he called out things that may have been disturbed. Here is an example:
Satch: "The shade on the keeping room door is up!?!?!
Ayia: "Nah... I saw Griff fool with it this morning.

He made his way through the house. He then got to the door that was causing the commotion.
Satch: "The door is closed and locked. Everything looks normal. Hummm.... wait.... it looks like a dead bird outside? That is strange?"
Me: "I wonder if someone came and put a dead bird at our back door? What kind of sicko would do such a thing?"
Me: "Wait a second... Satch I think you are responsible for killing that bird?"

Here is the real story. Satch can be a bit of a clean freak most of the time. By no means am I complaining! Occasionally I look through the window and find him outside cleaning the windows. Our windows are so clean that the bird killed himself trying to break on through. You know kind of like the Windex commercial with the birds laughing... And that is the way that I started my day.

Bye bye birdie... Sorry to confuse you with our ridiculously clean windows.

G and Me...

Once upon a time,
not so long ago
it used to be G and me.

This afternoon while Roman was taking a late nap
G and Mommy played outside just like we used to.
Just the two of us...

Racing cars
Swinging high in the sky
Cheesing for the camera
Searching for pirates
Ready... Set... Down the hatch you GO!
Common' Momma!
Blowing the biggest bubbles
Peek-a-boo.... I love you
Sometimes it can be trying to share my time between
one child who needs me (Roman)
and another who demands me. (G)

I'm glad that I was able to give G all of me today
without Roman on my hip.
Just like the old days...

It was also nice when Roman woke up and G and Mommy
went to pick him up from his nap
So loved...

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


O Romeo,
wherefore art thou Romeo?

Those eyes....
gets this Momma...
Every time.

Now I lay me down to sleep...

You are getting sleepy......
Very sleepy.....


(Insert "Jaws" theme music here)

every time I see that one tiny tooth coming towards me
the Jaws theme song plays over and over in my head...

Monday, January 17, 2011

Fuzzi Bunz

Last Friday Kristy, my dear friend and awesome photographer, had a brilliant idea. Let's get together all of our kids in their Fuzzi Bunz cloth diapers and do a photo shoot. I thought she was INSANE and signed up Roman with both hands!

We had a great day taking pictures, playing with the kids, and making memories! In all honesty it was beautiful chaos and I have the video to prove it. Can you imagine trying to get the "perfect" photograph with this many moving parts? Needless to say Kristy is my hero! She worked her magic and managed to get some adorable pictures of our little Fuzzy Bunz!

A few important things to note.
~ Roman, my little chicken, cried the entire time
~Emma was the only adorable little lady of the bunch. Miss Thang walking around in her leg warmers and pearls (and also made me realize that I could not afford a little girl!)
~he (or she) who has the best bribes gets the best shots! The lollipops, M&Ms and balls worked like a charm ;)
~If in doubt sing "If you're happy and you know it..." It was comical to watch the mommas acting crazy, singing and dancing in hopes of a smile from our kiddos. The proof is the last photo that I have posted. It was the best shot of the day! All of the kids are looking at us like we had lost our minds. For the love of our kids AND that perfect shot... Cheese!

Thanks to Kristy of Jeansonne Photography for putting this "just for fun" photo shoot together! She has a way with the kids, is very patient, and has great talent!