Today I started a new tradition called the "Thankful Bucket." I set out a jar with index cards so everyone could write down a blessing to share with the family. I love the idea for many reasons. I want my precious boys to be thankful and acknowledge the MANY blessings that are bestowed upon us.
I am thankful for my 2 special blessings who are now my addictions. - MiMi Kat
I am thankful for God sending me my Prince Charming. Thank you Satch for your love and guidance of our family. -Andrea
I am thankful for God's grace and forgiveness. -Andrea
I am thankful for my family. - Kenton
I am thankful for the morning time with my grandsons while everyone else is still asleep. Health, family, and friends. -Big Poppa
I am thankful for my brother John and the creativeness, talent and flavor that he brings to our family. -Andrea
I am thankful for the health and happiness of my family. Without their love and support, I would not be the person who I am today. -Kenton
I am thankful for a good husband who takes care of me, our children, and grandchildren. -MiMi
I am thankful for my 2 precious little boys. Thank you God for their good health. - Andrea
I am thankful for our adventurous son, John, that God watches over and takes care of while he travels the world. -MiMi
I am thankful for asdlkaslekjasldkfjl;kdfjasd;lfja;slk. -Griffin
I am thankful that God blessed me with a daughter who is also my best friend. -MiMi
I am thankful for my striking good looks and charm. -Andrea :)
I am thankful for a forgiving heart and the peace that only God can provide. -MiMi
I am thankful for a wonderful son-in-law who is a great husband and father. -MiMi
I am thankful for the freedom of choice in this wonderful country. -Andrea
I am thankful for the unconditional love and support of my parents. -Andrea
I am thankful for a beautiful and healthy family and a wonderful church family. -MiMi