Last week I took both of my boys out in an uncontrolled environment ALONE for the first time. I am not going to lie~ I was nervous! The plan was to go to the bounce house to meet a few ladies and kiddos from my new mom's group. I felt that this was a pretty safe place to venture out on my own! Once there I was able to relax. It was a Thursday morning so it was not very crowded. Griff had a ball! He ran around and played and checked in with my periodically. I kept Roman in his stroller. He was very content taking in the sights. At one point I asked another mom to hold Roman so I could go and play with Griffin. When I climbed up the play set with him he was beaming from ear to ear. He was so proud to have me play with him.
While there we had another "first." Griff came into the bathroom with me so I could change his diaper. While in there I decided to potty myself. This prompted Griff to do the same. He often potties at home, but NEVER in public. He asked to use the potty so I HAD to let him give it a try. Mission accomplished! I must say it was a very clean first try at a public restroom. I am sure that this will not always be the case!
Because I was manning two little boysies pictures were not a top priority. I guess this may also be another first? We were there a few hours and I only have 3 not so hot pictures to show!

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