Yesterday the weather was just perfect! We decided to load'em up and head OUTSIDE to take advantage of the gorgeous weather! Luckily for us it was the 1st weekend of the month~ Freret St Market! Pre-children we used to live a few blocks from this cool little street market and we love to check it out when we get the chance. Griff went between the stroller and walked with us. We woke him from a nap and he was in good spirits. Roman was in heaven as I carried him in the carrier. He enjoyed being outside and taking in all of the sights!
After we finished shopping at the market we still wanted to enjoy being outside so we took the boys over to Story Land. Needless to say Griff was a total wild man. He loved everything and just couldn't control his excitement! We really had a hard time getting him to leave one area to enjoy the next. It was all fun and games until it was time to leave. I am not going to lie~ he had a full and total body melt down. Probably one of the worst to date. After it is all said and done I am actually glad that this happened. Recently we have let our house rules slide a bit and it was time to get back on track. Last night Kenton and I had a discussion about discipline and what we want for our family. We have agreed on different techniques that we will try. Nothing unique, but just time to get back to the basics. I am happy to report that we had a great day today. I know that we will still have our ups and downs, but I am very encouraged by the start!
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