Yesterday I received the dreaded call from day care. Anytime the number shows up on the caller ID my heart skips a beat. They were calling to warn me that Griffin had been bitten by another child. They wanted to let me know before I saw him. Poor little guy was fighting over a rocking horse with another child and the bruiser bit him under the eye. The bite actually broke the skin. Today he not only has a fang mark, but also a black eye. I know that this will be the first of many bumps, scrapes, and bruises so hopefully the next will be easier.... Apparently as a child I was also a biter. I apologize to all of the children and parents that were traumatized by my actions. ;)
Rosemary Focaccia
7 years ago
He looks like he is truly a trooper! I hate this for you - but oh the stories you'll have to share with him and even his future bride!! Hang in there girl! Us mothers of sons need to stick together and encourage one another. What a ride this is going to be!