Yesterday we went to a 2nd birthday party for Griffin's friends Brea and Noah. Kenton and I had such a good time watching Griffin "play" with all of the kids. He honestly entered the room with the attitude of Griffin's here time to have fun! He was non-stop from start to finish. The party was at this cute little place in Mandeville, Ducky Joe's. It was one of those bounce places, but also had much more to offer. At one point Griffin was playing in the play house eating a plastic chicken leg and just got up and walked out of the house. Kenton and I just looked at each other like did he really just stand up and walk out? He has been walking here and there, but has never walked as much as he did yesterday. He just had so much confidence and wanted everyone to see what he could do. I was careful not to hover over Griffin while he played and to give him his independence all the while closely watching him. He is not the gentlest of men and has a way of charging at you and is not afraid to take a few kids down with him. I am happy to announce that he had a great time at the party and no one was hurt by his overzealous spirit. It truly makes my heart so happy to watch him grow and develop into his own little personality.
Rosemary Focaccia
7 years ago
Perfect blog background!!!!! Adorable post!