Thursday, January 12, 2012

Reasons that I smile...

Mothering small children is really hard work.  At the end of the day regardless of the tantrums, whining, fighting, and unattractive moments (on both my part and the boys) I usually only remember the good.  I believe that "mommy amnesia" is a gift that comes with being a mother.  Here are a few of my recent favorite moments.

Gotta love my favorite tiny tigers!

These moments melt my heart.
Baby Bear, Griff, and Buzz Lightyear saying prayers.

The eyes of my angel.

Sweet moments reading bed time stories to each other.

The guys.
Hands down Griff's favorite thing(s) to play with.
I love the adventures that the guys go on with Griff everyday! 

Super cute super heroes and a beautiful princess.
Love the pose of the yellow Power Ranger.

Now for my favorite saying/stories of the moment.

I introduced Griff to someone.  He then said, "and dis is my brother Roman."  

The other day as Griff was getting out of the car at school he told his brother, "I lub you be a good boy today ok."  (Hummm..... wonder where he gets that one from.)

I can not get enough of Griff saying "the hunk."  Yes, that would be the Hulk.  (you know the green guy)

Griff- "Mommy I need to go to the dentist."
Me- "Why?"
Griff- "Cause my privates hurt."

Griff to Roman- "Roman don't touch dat.  Dats dangerous and for adults."

When Griff leaves he tells me "bye alligators."  I guess he Griffinized see you later alligator?  Either way, I like it!

Griff- "I have a tummy ache and can't go to school.  I stay home and watch t.b. today."

Mommy and MiMi- "Griff you are so handsome."
Griff- "Fanks guys." :)

We have a 3 am nightly visitor.  When asked why do you come to Mommy and Daddy's room?  His response:  "some-fing ska ree going on."

Me- "Griff put that back please."
Griff- "No tanks Mommy."  (does the manners cancel out the disobedience?!?)

I bust Griff standing on the counter.  He tells me, "Calm down Mommy."

When we are stopped by the train he tells me "Da train on da tracks goin on a field trip."

Don't worry Roman has his fair share of funnies too.  He is now a parrot and his vocabulary surprises us daily.  My favorite words to get him to repeat are sausage and Wal Mart.  You KNOW that you are country when you get your 1 year old to say BOTH of these words!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm in need of a sausage / Walmart video <3 those boys!!! They really are to cute!!
