Monday, December 31, 2012

Cheers 2013

I fancied up, showered and came out in a new pair of jammies. We will be ringing in the new year at home. Just our little family. Why new jammies? Because the only person in the world that I care to impress is my date for the evening.

We splurged and bought the good steaks from Sam's (cheapest pack) and pulled out our finest mustache plates. Why? Because that is just who we are.

For many years I stressed over having the perfect plans for New Year's Eve. This year I can not think of any place in the world that I would rather be. At home, safe, and surrounded by my favorite people.

Our biggest decision of the night. LSU game or Beast of the Southern Wild? You can probably guess which option I am pulling for.

2012 was quite a year for the record books. I am looking forward to see what 2013 has to offer. We are never promised tomorrow therefore I try to always make the most of today.

Cheers and Happy New Year!

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