Tuesday, October 2, 2012

A day in the life...

*Disclaimer- the persons involved are not paid actors and perform all of their own stunts.

A few weeks ago Roman decided that he was a big boy and wanted to pee-pee in the potty.  My initial thought was "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!?!"  Yes, that was my thought.  Inside of my head.  However on the outside I praised and supported his giant leap from little man to big boy.  You know the off your rocker praising spectacle ever time a single drop of urine goes from his body to the potty.  Yes... that level of excitement.  Ever. Single. Time.

Now let me paint a picture for you.  I will give you just a glimpse of a few minutes of life with 3 children 4 and under.  Why only a glimpse?  Because that may be all that you can handle.  :)

This afternoon I sat down to feed Cohen.  I was sitting in the chair while the 2 bigger boys were playing.  I must have zoned out (a learned Mommy skill) when all of a sudden I came to when I heard, "Mommy I pooin."  We all know that the word "poop" gets immediate attention AND action.  I jumped up and ripped the baby off of me.  I may have lost a bit of skin in the process.  I plopped the baby onto something and ran over to the scene.  Needless to say Roman was telling the truth.  He and Griff were standing over and observing a nice and smelly "poop" on the floor.  Awesome.  I quickly cleared the scene.  "Back away, back away, nothing to see here folks."  I scooted Roman to the potty in hopes that the rest of his poop would end up in a more appropriate place while shooing Griffin off.  I quickly cleaned and sanitized the "crime scene" while the baby was screaming bloody murder, Griff was climbing the walls like Spiderman, and Roman was proud as a peacock when he actually got some poop in the potty.  Yes indeed.  A day in the life...

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