Band-aid boy the morning after. (Notice paci in the mouth and another in the hand~ I SWEAR we are working on this!!!)
Well, we had another first on Friday evening. That would be Griffin's first trip to the emergency room. Everyone who has a toddler knows that if you would like to have a "peaceful" meal in a restaurant you must go with the early birds and that is exactly what we were intending to do. We were all dressed and walking out the door when Griffin tripped and fell. What's new?? He falls all day long. I did not see him fall, but I heard his reaction and knew that it was serious. Kenton saw the chain of events go down. He was running with a sippie cup with a straw. When he fell his chin hit the cup and he let out a scream of pain. When Kenton picked him up he was bleeding upon closer examination the gash was pretty wide open. Being first time parents we had NO IDEA what exactly was stitches worthy? As a matter of fact we had no idea what to do OR where to even take him. Kenton walked outside with Griffin to calm him down and I called St. Charles General Hospital. They told us to bring him in. Before admitting him they would give it a look. So we did. The ER doc said that it was a pretty tough call. Regardless of what we decided to do he said that it would scar. When he pushed the wound together it didn't close the gap all the way. Thank God he advised against stitches. He then offered to glue the wound back together, BUT that would involved admitting him and all of that rig-a-marole. He then admitted to us that if it were his child he would take him home and keep antibiotic cream on it. So that is what we did. In spite of the gash it did not bleed all that much and it is healing pretty nicely. Before I conclude my story I should probably admit that I was a total bafoon. I am so thankful that Kenton was home when the incident happened. This was really the first time that I saw Griffin's blood and freaked! Not only was I on the verge of throwing up, but I was on the brink of passing out. I did my best in the ER to make it all about Griffin and worked VERY hard not to embarrass myself. Kenton on the other hand acted in a calm and cool manner. This will probably be the last time that Griffin injures himself and I can assure you that this is something that I will NEVER get used to. His pain also physically hurts me. No one ever said that being a parent would be easy...
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