Lollipop~ not so much
Change of plans~ haircut in Mommy's lap
Not a happy camper. :(
Almost over...
Sure, now that it is over I would LOVE to play with the Big Red Car.
MiMi and G
Today MiMi Kat and I took Griffin in for his 3rd haircut. The appointment was set for 12:30 which I KNEW was a bad idea because it was cutting into nap time. I didn't think much of it because his first 2 haircuts were a piece of cake. He sat through both of them, followed directions, and didn't let out a peep. Griffin is also pretty easy going and typically just goes with the flow. I really thought that he would be okay. Well..... I was WRONG. He was really cranky when we woke him up after only 30 minutes of cat napping. He sat in the taxi cab and she started the torture, I mean haircut. He just wasn't having it. He refused to cooperate and was very vocal about it. After she started to hack away the hairdresser asked if I wanted to try with him in my lap. I held him all sorts of ways and at one point even had him upside down to get the length of his hair. He was kicking and screaming the entire way through! My only hope is that he doesn't remember this experience and we can start fresh next haircut at a better time of the day! After all of the squirming, screaming, and kicking he looks like such a handsome big boy!
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