Griffin and his favorite playmate~ MiMi Kat
All this play makes me thirsty!
Making new friends
Climbed all the way to the top!
Sliding next to Mommy on the big kid slide.
MiMi... Come and get me!
No fear!
Chillin' like a villain at Rooms to go.
Come here often?
Checking out cool beds at Rooms to go.
I went to my spin class early this morning. As I was exercising my mind was wondering as it normally does about plans for the day. I thought that MiMi Kat and I needed to take Griffin out on a field trip. Of course I thought of the usual suspects~ Zoo and Aquarium, but decided he needed to burn some of that non-stop energy that he has an endless supply of. I didn't want to take him to a place where he would be confined to the stroller, I wanted to give my little guy a little freedom to roam! We decided to try out The Monkey Room uptown~ an indoor playground. Wow~ there were so many kiddos, moms, and playgroups gathering on a random Thursday morning! It is really a neat place to let the kids play while enjoying the luxury of A/C. The Griff was a wild man once we set him free. The toddler area kept his attention all of 5 minutes until he noticed the huge slides and jungle gym. Griff is such a little dare devil. I escorted him up on the big kids play area, but he did not WANT or NEED a hand from Mommy. I just followed behind him as he climbed up the equipment. He even went down on the big slide with a grin from ear to ear.
On the way home we quickly stopped into Rooms to go. Believe it or not I think that Griffin had MORE fun at Rooms to go than he did at the Monkey Room?!? He was in heaven playing in the kids section of the store and trying out all of the chairs that were just his size. We literally had to drag him out of the store. Now i know!No need to PAY for entertainment, we can just hang out at Rooms to go!
Once we got home we took Griffin for a quick dip in the pool. He was really good in the pool today. He relaxed and let me float him around the pool. After our action packed day it is not a wonder that Griff was excited about bath and bed time. Sweet dreams my baby...
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