Merry Christmas y'all!
I love my little boysie...
The family
Let the fun begin!
Griffin and Big Pop
Nona, I just love it!
Everyone, including Griffin, supports Nanny Lissie in her fight against breast cancer.
Nona~ I love you. Thank you for my Elmo airplane!
Can you say ham?
I love my little family.
Kenton and Al having a moment.
Flying to bed in his new Elmo airplane.
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night...
I have heard it so many times, but was blessed enough to witness it tonight for myself. The heart of a child enjoying the spirit of Christmas. We started off the evening perfectly with a church service that made everyone stop and think. The pastor spoke of simply taking the time to experience life and just live in the moment. Taking a second just to say "WOW!"
After Church we headed down the bayou to enjoy our annual Christmas Eve celebration with Big Poppa's family. The food was delish and it is always fun catching up with everyone after our daily lives take us in so many different directions. Griffin was in HEAVEN! The boy just loves a party and had a ball. He was so friendly and good spirited. He truly loved being around his family. He quickly got into the present opening thing~ he was a pretty fast study. Thanks to Ari-Anna Griff is now the proud owner of his own Elf on a shelf!" Once he opened his present from his Nona it was all over. She gave him an Elmo airplane. You could tell on his face how much he loved the gift. We had to take it out of the box so he could take off on his maiden voyage. He was adorable. After he would open a gift he would walk around and show people his new treasures. He had so much love, hugs, and kisses for everyone tonight. He is now sleeping sounding in his bed dreaming sweet dreams. Santa I promise he has been a good boy treat him right!
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