Griffin cheering for Tio's present.
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Watching the train~ choo-choo!
Escalator ride with Daddy.
Full size gingerbread house at the Ritz Carlton
Schaff's at the Ritz.
Very cool~ gingerbread street car @ Harrah's hotel
Enjoying the snow on Fulton Street!
Merry Christmas to all! Griffin must have been a good boy this past year because Santa was very good to him. Santa left Griffin an old time firetruck riding toy. Griffin was overwhelmed with presents so we spread them out over the day for him to open and enjoy. Once he opened a gift and liked it he was not interested in anything else. His favorite gifts of the year would have to be his shopping cart filled with food and his Elmo airplane. He loves his shopping cart so much he tries to bring it along everywhere we go.
After a morning full of gift giving we enjoyed a delicious Christmas lunch with MiMi, Poppa, and Tio Juan. We all had a pretty lazy afternoon filled with TV and napping. Once Griffin woke up from his 4 hour nap we all went downdown to enjoy the lights downtown. We walked through the Rooservelt hotel, the Ritz Carlton, and Fulton Street. Griffin was a wild man running around and pointing to all of the bright and pretty lights. He really enjoyed his escalator ride like a big boy with his Daddy. We finished off the evening with a snowfall on Fulton Street. Griffin thought the snow was very cool. He opened his mouth to try to catch a few flakes.
Thank you Jesus for the many blessings that you bestow upon my family. Thank you for health, family, and happiness. We are all looking forward to next year and all of our new blessings. Imagine..... at this time next year we will be celebrating Christmas with TWO babies. Griffin will be able to show new baby Schaff how to celebrate in style. Life is good...
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