Peek-a-boo... I see you!

MiMi~ Griffin is ALL ABOUT MIMI right now. He just can't get enough of her. This morning she went upstairs to get dressed. He knew that she was up there so he pulled down the baby gate at the foot of the stairs like the Hulk to get to her. Mimi has a cute little shadow at her side 24/7!

The Wiggles~ Griffin LOVES the Wiggles. He know the songs and dances along. He loves to "Move like an emu" with his hand in the air! We on the other hand wake up in the middle of the night still singing the silly songs! The songs HAUNT you! *Disclaimer~ before Griffin was born I swore off the television. Clearly that rule went out the window, but I really do my best to keep it reasonable.*

Talking on the phone~ I don't know where he gets this from??? :)

Remote control~ Seriously.... what man doesn't love the remote control? If he doesn't like what is on he pushes the buttons to change the channel. He has also mastered on/off.

Doggy bag~ Griffin grabs his bag, waves goodbye, blows kisses, and hits the door.

CHEETOS! The boy loves'em. I can't really blame him because they are pretty good. *Disclaimer~ Before Griffin was born I had some pretty high hopes for his diet. Well, what can I say?

Playing outside~ Griffin NEVER tires of this! He doesn't seem to notice that it is August in Louisiana?!?
In spirit of Griffin's 17th month update I thought that I would put together a list along with a pictorial of "What's HOT and What's NOT." This list is a cumulative effort between Kenton, MiMi and myself. The list is in no particular order and is up to date. There are several oldies but goodies on the list and possibly a few new surprises.
Doggy Bag
Remote control
Talking on the phone
The Wiggles
Playing outside
Playing Peek-a-boo
Climbing and digging
Tight, tight hugs
Mac'n cheese
2nd naps of the day
Eating in restaurants
Griffin had a really good month. He is really coming into his own little personality. He is soaking up EVERYTHING like a little sponge. He amazes us with new things that he does every day. We just look at each other and wonder how does he know to do that? He is now beginning to follow simple commands. He waves, blows kisses, points to body parts, and kisses on command. Griffin does not miss a thing. He sees and hears EVERYTHING. He is still a climber and a digger and is actually kicking it up a notch. He knows how to open the doors in the house which is a little frightening. We keep a constant eye on the little guy! Here is a Mommy secret~ I thought that Griffin was very "advanced" because all of a sudden he knew how to blow kisses and do Itsy Bitsy Spider. I kept my thoughts of my "baby genius" to myself all the while day dreaming of Griffin's bright future. Days later I learned that he is learning these things at school. I guess a mother can dream, right?!? We are working very hard on his language skills. He is probably a little behind in this department. He always has a lot to say and has a pretty good way of getting his point across. This month was filled with quite a few bumps, bruises, laughter, tears, and lots of love....