Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Stop.... Hold up..... Wait a minute.....

Where did my baby go? Griffin and I really had a moment today. I picked him up from day care and it was just the two of us in the car. As usual I was driving and he was in his car seat. All of a sudden he began to tell me about his day. I mean the child was REALLY telling me ALL ABOUT IT! He was babbling run on sentences with big hand gestures. He would even pause as if to think of just the right word that he wanted to use. I encouraged the conversation and he and I had quite a few really good laughs together...

Once we got home he went and found the DVD cover for the Wiggles. I followed him to his play room and turned on Wiggly Party. He then brought me the remote control to fast forward through the previews. He danced along with his friends for a little bit. Once he had enough he came over to me and grabbed my hand and led me to the door. Everyday he is improving on his language skills both verbally and with actions. I am so proud of Griffin for all of the milestones that he is achieving. Gooooo Griffin!!!

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