Wednesday, July 17, 2013

A mothers love

Nursing babies was my job for 3 years of my life. A job that I was really good at. Each of my boys made it to the 12 month mark exclusively on breast milk as their liquid nutrition.. None of them received a drop of formula. When I step back and think about this it makes me say "wow." My body that I am constantly waging war against was enough. My body produced life giving nutrition to 3 thriving boys. For that I am blessed and grateful.

For me nursing my babies was more than just nutrition. It was a time to dial down. A time exclusively just for me and my baby. A time to talk, sing, pray, and love on my precious child. To sit there and look into the eyes of a child who looked back at me with adoring eyes. This was a gift that only I was able to give them. The bonding time that I spent with each baby was worth more than its weight in gold. I guess this is one of the many reasons that they refer to breast milk as "liquid gold."

I think this chapter in my life is finished. It is so bittersweet. A year committed to breast feeding following  10 months of pregnancy (3 times back to back) has taken its toll. At times my job was hard, painful, tiring, and seemingly relentless. Looking back in my rear view mirror it was worth every single second of my time. The hundreds of hours that I logged feeding babies in my chair was some of the best spent time of my life.  I love these boys that much. They were worth it.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Superhero living behind the scenes

Without revealing too much information I will give you a behind the scenes look at superhero living. 
*Identities are anonymous as to protect "superhero-ness"

Even superheroes need to eat yo.
Here is a typical hero meal.
Milk, fruit, and chicken nuggets.
A tape measure is on hand in case superhero needs to turn Macyver. 

 Superhero speed drills.
It takes work to be faster than a speeding bullet. 

Kids don't try this at home.
These are skilled professionals.

This is why I am a girly girl in a superhero world.
I love dreaming with these heroes...

Sweet summertime...

A few weeks ago we took the boys to Grand Isle for the day.
This brought back so many childhood memories for me.
I spent many days playing, swimming, and crabbing on that beach.

We had a lovely time.
Griff is fearless and spent the day in the surf.
Roman enjoyed making sand castles on the beach.
Cohen was totally content sitting on my lap in the water and feel asleep listing to the waves crash along the shore.  

Oh how I love making precious memories with my family.

Reasons that I smile...

So I have not been blogging regularly.  
What I have been doing regularly is capturing our every day moments.  

Very rarely do I haul out my Nikon.
However I usually have my iphone handy and take tons-o-pictures with it.

Life has been busy.  Some days I am in survival mode.
I always try to be present and make the most out of our good and not so good times.

Parenting is not for the faint of heart.
Through the highs and lows I would not trade my life for anything in the world.

I am exactly where I belong...

Big photo dump.  I want to document some of my favorite iphone shots.

Went to the store and found "Co-Co"nuts on sale.
Brought one home and "it" was SPOILED ROTTEN!
Loving on MiMi for her birthday
There is such a special bond between these two.
Griff and Mozzy became fast friends on the first day of school.
BFF forever.
We live in a crazy world.
Moments like this make me hopeful for  the future.
Growing little world changers...
Roman the "skeeto" killer.
Roman doesn't feel like naps are for him anymore.
However on some day he just falls.
I can so relate to this feeling Buddy.
Emma sandwich.
Just couldn't go anymore.
You are probably thinking they are so happy that Mommy is returning home.
Nope.  This is their joy as I drive away.
"Your brother will ALWAYS be your best friend."
I am trying so hard to instill this in these boys.
We had our first sleep over.
We added 2 more boys to our tribe for the night.
Our special guests joined in on Saturday morning pancakes.
Father's day morning bed full of love.
Our day at the zoo.  It was so hot.
Not sure if this is a smile or a pant.
The "Mommy he is touching my toy" look. 
This is the hardest working dude that I know.
Grass cutting shoes, no shirt, shades, hat, and his lawnmower.
Bliss.  (his not mine)
Following his Daddy's every single move.

Griff taking the bus to reading camp.

"I get by with a little help from my friends."
Imaginative play at its finest.
Nothing like opening your eyes to this guy hanging onto your side of the bed.
"Hey Ma.... What'cha doin?"
This guy busted his lip and had an emergency room visit.
He was like a cage fighter.
It took 3 nurses, his Daddy, the doctor, and a straight jacket to stitch him.
Nola baby playing Mardi Gras in July.

I will never tire of these snuggles.
I love to watch them figure things out.
They try to make milk for babies through their belly button.
Some days this cutie goes by "Cool John"
I have no idea?  I just work here.

Play Ball!

Griff played t-ball for the first time this year.
This was our first shot at an organized team sport.
I am not really sure what my expectations were before starting the season.
What I can tell you at is the season was a total success.

Griff did a great job.
He went to games and practice, he participated, he contributed to the success of his team, he learned about team work, and he learned about good sportsman ship.  

We are so proud of our guy and the first of his many sporting accomplishments.

Ball park buddies~ Roman and Cohen

Family photos {an afternoon in pictures}

I treasure photos over any other possession.
After the moment is over a photo is all that I have.
I love how a particular photo can bring me back to that a special moment.
The birth of a child, our wedding day, vacations, feeding babies, and our every day ordinary moments.
I love them all the same.  
I love to look back and on all of these moments that I have captured in time.
I hold my photographs very close to my heart.

Once a year we have professional photographs done.
We have used the same photographer, Julie Cerise Photography, the past 2 years.
Julie is amazing.
Not only does she take wonderful pictures, but she also has a way with my boys.
She has the ability to win them over first which makes for true smiles for the camera.
{Roman made her work for her pay on this particular day}

Here is our afternoon in pictures...

Thanks to Julie for these amazing shots!
I must admit the kids are pretty cute too.
Looking forward to working with Julie again in the near future.