Saturday, January 26, 2013

Life lately...

Time for a photo dump and a list of the latest funnies:

Me- Griff why don't you try to buckle yourself in.
Griff- Mommy I'm only 4 and can't do dat. 
(score for Mommy Griff now buckles himself in.  This is a HUGE win in my world!)

A very rare quiet moment.
 I love when I overhear toddler talk.  I hear this ALL THE TIME and can't get enough of it!
Griff- "Now Roman say yes sir."
Roman- "Yes sir Giffin."

Cut the pickle.
Tickle. Tickle.
(followed by a roar of laughter)
Griffin- "Mommy I have the hiccups."
Followed by...
Roman- "I have da burps."
Life with boys. So it goes...

I went to put little baby in his bed.
I found big baby already in the bed waiting for us.
Roman talk:

 Roman- "Mommy you hairs pretty."

Roman- "Mommy ewe a cutie pic."

Roman- "It's froggy out there." (on a foggy morning)

We were listening to music as I we cleaned the playroom.  Amazing Grace came the music channel and Roman said, "Mommy I wub dat song." (Amazing grace is his favorite song along side Jambalaya crawfish pie)

Think Roman is working hard to move to my #1 spot. ;)

Love how Roman has to tippy toe to potty.
These 2 cuties brought me a flower.
Reason #1 why it is good to be the queen of the castle.
 The other day I had a parent teacher conference at Griff's school.  Griff picked out this little number for me to wear.  He told me that his teacher would really like my fancy clothes.  I had in mind a hoodie and rain boots...
Mommy's fancy clothes
 Griff was with MiMi and told her that he needed to write a thank you note to Mommy for making a shirt for him.  This so warms my heart.  I value the art of a hand written note.  I am so glad that my kids are learning to do the same.
Just waiting on a huge tooth.
Hey ma.
Look at me.
I can sit.
Bros and besties.
Chillin' with their arms around each other.
Fireside chats with my Shorty.
The other morning Roman busted up our quiet party with, "I wub you dude. I wub you little bruder."

Co-Co  now sits in the tub with the big boys.
I love to watch the bond between these two. So much love and Roman's constant need to give Co a kiss.  "Mommy I need a kiss.  I need to kiss Co Co."

Roman feeding Cohen.
It's good to be Daddy.
Daddy gets the BEST welcome every afternoon.
The boys wait behind the counter to "surprise" him.
Every. Single. Day.

So yummy!
Yesterday afternoon after school I surprised Griff with a special treat.  A stop at the "donut house." He could not wait to tell Roman.  Loose lips sink ships Buddy!

Sugary goodness.
 We have been working on a chore chart with the boys.  Roman has a special spot on the chart for the potty. This is what he told me yesterday.
"Mommy... No check. No point. No dollar. I pooed in my pants." (with a BIG smile) Kid totally gets the concept.  Kid totally does not care.

I looked down to find this morning.  The one armed strong man pulled up.
Slow down Buddy.  You are growing too fast!

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