Friday, September 14, 2012

Cohen Jacob 3 months

Dear Cohen,

Just like that you are 3 months old.  It feels like moments ago I called your Daddy to tell him that it was time to head to the hospital to have a baby!  My maternity leave from work officially ends today.  On Monday I will return to work 3 days a week.  I have so enjoyed my time home with you.  I'm not going to lie we had our rough spots, but each day gets better and better.

Today I was feeding you and soaking in the moment.  I was thinking of how much I love you.  More than words will ever be able to express.  Here are a few things that I love about you and never want to forget:
  • I love your baby sounds- the way that you squeak, grunt, coo, and giggle.
  • I love your baby stretches.  I love when you stretch up high over your head and also the way you booty stretch when I get you out of bed.  
  • I love your gummy smile.  I can not get enough of it.
  • I love when I am feeding you and we lock eyes.  I adore these precious moments that I am able to spend with you.
  • I love the way that you fit perfectly in my neck.  You were designed to fit ever so perfectly.
  • I love the way you smell when you are fresh out of the bath.
  • I love waking up with you in the morning.  This is your best time of the day.  You are so happy, smiley, and giggley!
You had a really good month.  I can tell that your medicine is working and you are feeling much better.  You are generally pretty happy, but make me work for smiles!  You still are a good sleeper.  You typically sleep until about 6:30.  I am so thankful for this!   You still don't love to take a paci, but have found your finger.  I am not crazy about the idea, but it makes you so happy.  I still have not given up hope on you trading your thumb out for a paci.  We are all so in love with you and love watching you grow.  

State update:
6/13/12 birth weight- 9.2
7/12/12 1 month- 12.2
8/11/12 2 months- 14.8
9/14/12 3 months- 17

I look forward to the changes that next month will bring.  I love you more and more with each passing day.  Keep flashing me your gummy smile and the world is yours!

All my love,

Friday, September 7, 2012

The Grand Family Pictures (3)

We were all dressed and ready for family pics.
Unfortunately as we were walking out the clouds rolled in.
We quickly changed.
It only rained for a second, but the sky was filled with clouds.
We went out for a photo shoot practice run! :)

Trying to get a "good" shot with a newborn 2 and 4 year old is
hard work.  Good thing I prefer real "life" shots!

Girly girl with her super heroes.
As good as it was going to get.
Roman was having a "no pictures please" day.
The following afternoon we headed out for family pictures take II.
We found a nice and unsuspecting lady standing on the beach.
She kindly snapped a few pics for us.
Success!  Everyone is at least aiming in the same direction.

Here they go again...

Here we are SWEATING.  It is A LOT of work to get these
kids to corporate for pics.  Would you believe me if I told
you that they were begging to get into this picture.
Some nervy....  

Our life.
Just another day in paradise...

The Grand Sand and Sun (2)

Here are my favorite pictures taken on vacation of us enjoying a little sand and sun.  
It was especially challenging traveling with a newborn 2, and 4 year old.
Griff and Roman wanted to do fun things and Cohen just wanted to sleep. (Praise JESUS!)
On the second day Cohen napped the entire day at the pool so I was able to play with the big boys.
I will let the pictures speak for themselves...

Cohen's first time in the pool.

Kenton looked at me just as I snapped this picture.
He said are we really lounging while our
kids independently play in the pool?
If only for a moment it was lovely...

My precious 3rd child.  I remembered to bring him a hat and swim suit.
I did not remember to bring a shirt to cover his fresh lilly white skin.
My 2 month old wore a 3T shirt that I tied up with a hair tie.
My precious I hope that you are always able to roll with the punches...