Tuesday, June 26, 2012

39 week appointment... You're having a baby

Have you ever had one of those days when something so unexpected happens that it changed your life forever?  I have...

I had my 39 week appointment on June 13.  My doctor was on vacation so I was stopping in to see one of the other doctors.  I wasn't expecting much.  Just a quick everything looks great your doctor will see you on Monday for your scheduled c-section.

I was tired because I had a very restless night of sleep the night before.  I had one of "those" dreams.  You know the kind where you actually see your baby.  I had one of these dreams when I was 29 weeks pregnant with Griffin.  My dream revealed to me that I was having a baby boy.  The baby in my dream was actually a vision of Griffin at about a year old.  I did not have any dreams like this while pregnant with Roman.  This time around I was pushing 39 weeks so really didn't expect to have one.  In my dream I saw my big, healthy, RED HEADED baby BOY!  I just pushed the dream aside because the baby in the dream did not look like anyone that I even know.  Could not possibly be my child!

I got up and dressed after tossing and turning the night away.  I had big plans for the day.  It was my last day of work for 3 months, quick trip to the doctor, possible quick afternoon siesta, and total rest and relaxation until it was time for the baby to come.  On the way to the doctor "Lucy in the sky with diamonds" played on the radio.  Hummm.... does this song cancel out my dream last night when I had a vision of a baby boy?  I was over the top excited with anticipation of BOY or GIRL! (for the record I predicted boy 9 lbs 10 ounces)

I make my way to my appointment.  After a quick examination I saw the look on Dr. M's face as she was putting my chair back into a sitting position.  "I said, let me sit up straight before we have this sort of conversation."  I was expecting her to say you MUST chill out until you are scheduled to come in on Monday.  I really had my heart set on Dr. C delivering our baby.

Needless to say our conversation went a little differently than I expected.  It went like this.  "Okay, your labor has begun.  I will be delivering the baby as soon as this afternoon, but no later than tomorrow morning.  You are beginning to dilate and you are 75% effaced."  

I'm pretty sure that all of the blood in my body rushed from my head to my toes.  I had been having contractions, but played them off as the baby moving.  Remember I so badly wanted to hold out until my Dr. returned on Monday.  I fully expected to have a baby really soon, but TODAY?!?

Dr. M sent me off to ultra sound to get a quick scan of the baby to check on fluid levels and size of the baby.  I made my disclaimer as soon as I entered the ultrasound room. "We don't know the sex of the baby."  I made sure to remind her no less than 8 times in a 10 minute visit.  At one point I saw a look of "OH MY GOODNESS/ FEAR" on her face.  I said, "pretty big huh?"  Her response put the look of OH MY GOODNESS/FEAR on my face.  The baby was measuring 10 lbs 14 ounces.  I was then hooked up to do a quick stress test.  Dr. M. walked in and said, "see you in a few hours."

Hello Baby... See you soon.
xoxo, Mommy
 I rushed home to tie up loose ends, make afternoon arrangements for our boys, finish up work expense reports and time, and take a bath, shave my legs, fix my hair, and polish my toes. :)

Kenton met me at home we loaded up the car with our bags packed and drove away knowing that our lives would never be the same again...

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