It both makes me very happy and sad to witness the little boy that Griffin is growing into! I love to truly sit back and watch what he does and listen to what he says. This morning he had Kenton and I in tears. I was busy starting our day. You know the usual. Get up, out of bed, start breakfast, fix lunch, get everyone dressed, etc. While I was busy just going through the motions I noticed Griffin was hauling his chairs out of the playroom and into the keeping room. A typical reaction to that would be there he goes making a mess! Next thing he brings out "the boys." (his Wiggle dolls) At this point Kenton and I started to watch Griff. He sat the boys down in the chairs. We then hear him rolling his shopping cart down the hall. We are thinking is he going to haul EVERYTHING out of the playroom?!? He then "fixed" breakfast for the boys. He went to each Wiggle and placed their breakfast in front of them. We are talking full gourmet breakfast by Griffin. Bacon, eggs, cheese, french fries, tomato sauce, and lettuce! He then sat down with them and enjoyed his milk! Makes you really mind your actions because he is watching everything that we do. Thanks to Griffin for starting our day off on such a sweet note!
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