Thursday, August 26, 2010

Dairy Queen open 24/7

I believe this is what Roman sees when he looks at me
Mommy~ Dairy Queen open 24/7!

I just looked up sleep deprivation and ran across this.

"Sleep deprivation can have serious effects on your health in the form of physical and mental impairments. Inadequate rest impairs our ability to think, handle stress, maintain a healthy immune system and moderate our emotions. In fact, sleep is so important to our overall health that total sleep deprivation has been proven to be fatal: lab rats denied the chance to rest die within two to three weeks."

All I can say is thank goodness I am not a lab rat because I would be long dead by now!

I believe that I officially hit the wall this week. Here is how the story goes... Roman was sleeping beautifully at night. We had a wonderful little routine and life was grand! I didn't want to boast, but I was silently basking in the glory. I was one of the lucky few with a baby that slept through the night! This was all true until I went back to work. Once I started working he regressed BIG TIME! I would like to believe that it is because he misses me so much while I am gone he wants to spend time with me while I am home. True? Who knows, but it makes waking up a little easier!

Interrupted sleep is something that one can never get used to. I have pulled many "all-nighters" over the years, but this is a different animal. While in college it was nothing to rage all weekend and get back on track. Months on end without getting in a full nights sleep is pretty brutal. At least I have an excuse for the absent minded things that I do!

This week for whatever reason Roman has been waking up 4-6 times a night. Waking up through the night is not an excusable excuse to miss work! So that is my life party all night and drag through the day. Last night Roman actually slept very well. He slept from 7:00pm- 4:30am. I on the other hand STILL woke up all night WAITING on him to wake up and wondering if he was okay and checking the monitor. Nothing like a mothers life, right?!?

What would YOU like for breakfast today?

It both makes me very happy and sad to witness the little boy that Griffin is growing into! I love to truly sit back and watch what he does and listen to what he says. This morning he had Kenton and I in tears. I was busy starting our day. You know the usual. Get up, out of bed, start breakfast, fix lunch, get everyone dressed, etc. While I was busy just going through the motions I noticed Griffin was hauling his chairs out of the playroom and into the keeping room. A typical reaction to that would be there he goes making a mess! Next thing he brings out "the boys." (his Wiggle dolls) At this point Kenton and I started to watch Griff. He sat the boys down in the chairs. We then hear him rolling his shopping cart down the hall. We are thinking is he going to haul EVERYTHING out of the playroom?!? He then "fixed" breakfast for the boys. He went to each Wiggle and placed their breakfast in front of them. We are talking full gourmet breakfast by Griffin. Bacon, eggs, cheese, french fries, tomato sauce, and lettuce! He then sat down with them and enjoyed his milk! Makes you really mind your actions because he is watching everything that we do. Thanks to Griffin for starting our day off on such a sweet note!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Mommy and me...

I truly lead a blessed life. I am fortunate enough to work 3 days a week and have the rest of my time to be a "mom." I had a similar schedule when Griffin was a baby until he was 18 months. Once again I have the good fortune to have this time with Roman. Working part time truly allows for me to have the best of both worlds! I am able to work and contribute financially to our family and I am able to spend the rest of my time raising my boys. Perfect! This morning I took Roman to Audubon Park for the first time. It was a bit warm for the little guy (and mommy too!) but we were able to get a few pictures in! I treasure the moments that I have with my little ones...

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Roman 3+ month update

Yeah, I know I'm slacking. Trying to keep up in "real" life with 2 babies, 1 husband, a job, and running a house hold has me pretty busy! Moving along to the star of the show..... Roman! Where shall I begin with this little guy? He is growing by the day and I have pictures to prove it! You would think that I am producing heaving whipping cream and he is drinking it by the gallon! He took on to nursing from the moment that he was handed over to me in the hospital and has not skipped a beat since! Gotta love a big healthy baby!

He is such a joy to be around. His smiles, laughs and giggles are contagious! He sure knows how to light up the room. He is doing great with tummy time and holds his head up very well. Currently his favorite position to be in is sitting down. He is very nosey and gets the best view of the room from this position!

He was sleeping very well, but regressed when I returned to work. Very curious thing with that. The days that I go to work he wakes up throughout the night, but on the days that I am home with him he sleeps much better. Hummmm...... can you say spoiled rotten? In a way I really do miss a good night's sleep, but on the other hand I really enjoy these precious moments that he and I spend together in the wee hours of the morning. I am flattered that SOMEONE in this world loves me so much he just can't get enough of me! Soon enough I won't be able to get this sort of attention from my little boysie!

Life is really good and I couldn't be happier. Thank you Lord for the blessings that you shower my family with. We owe it all to you!

Until next month, (or next week for a 4 month update)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Coo-coo crazy hair #2

Bieber Fever!

Coo-coo crazy hat to cover coo-coo crazy hair!

Griff is in dire need of a haircut. His "stylist" has been on vacation so that explains why it looks like he has "Biebler Fever!!" He has an appointment this weekend for a haircut and I am sure that he will scalp him once again!

Coo-coo crazy hair #1!

Party in the front.....

AND party in the back!!

Coo-coo crazy hat to cover coo-coo crazy hair!

Roman was born with such a beautiful head full of black hair. Slowly but surely and now almost painfully it has been falling out strand by strand. Now he is only left with a mo-hawk and a mini mullet. A mullet can be defined as "business in the front and party in the back." Well if that is the case Roman has party in the front AND party in the back! Awesome right?!? Every day Kenton threatens to free the mullet and put it out of its misery! Luckily he knows better not to touch the hair. I hold onto the rule of NO haircuts until after the first birthday! I had to take pictures of the 'do just in case it decides to go away.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Happy Birthday Tio!

Happy 30th birthday Tio! We are thinking of you on your special day even though you are celebrating in a far off land. Wishing you many more happy days!

Fun in the Sun

Roman's first time taking a dip in the pool~ I think he liked it!

Buddha baby!

Griff in my new hat. He decided it was his and preferred to wear it backwards!

Mommies with all of the babies minus Griff. He opted out of the picture!

Brea~ the babysitter!

Sorry about the quality of this picture, but I just love the 3 little monkeys in the bed!

We had the pleasure of spending Saturday afternoon with the Vicknair family. A good time was had by all. First we met them at the club that they belong to for swimming and dinner. Afterwards we headed over to their house for playtime for the kiddos and a friendly Wii competition between Craig and Kenton. Thanks Craig~ Kenton now has a Wii on his wish list! We were all having so much fun we kept the kids out past 10:30. That was a FIRST! Needless to say Roman was sleeping before we got into the car and Griff was sleeping soundly before we hit the highway. Thanks Friends for such a fun day!