Here are just a few more things that brighten my day:
Tight hugs- Griff gives the best hugs. I love to get him out of bed in the morning because he hugs my neck so tight. Another time that I also cherish is when his Daddy picks him up from school and runs into the house at full speed to hug my neck. There is nothing like it!
Musical abilities- Griff loves to sing along to the Wiggles. It is so much fun to sing along with him. Even though the words are way off you totally know what he is saying. He keeps harmony with the melody of the song. I first noticed this when we would clean up in the evening. He would sing along his rendition to the tune of the music. He must have picked this one up from school. A few of his favorites are La Cucaracha and Toot toot chugga chugga big red car.
Brotherly love- Griff loves his big brother Al. He insists on feeding Al breakfast (and several other random meals a day) after he finishes eating. As soon as he gets out of his chair you can hear him filling a cup of food to pour for his brother. We have started to put Al in the hall behind the baby gate when we eat dinner. As soon as we finish Griff gets out of his chair and "paroles" his big bro!
Pack Rat- The Griff has become quite the pack rat. He isn't attached to one thing in particular, but has his hands full at all times. It is quite funny to watch him eat. You can see him trying to figure out if he really needs to put down the good in order to grab a bite. Here is a list of things that you may find in his arms at any given time ALL at the same time- juice cup, snack container, car, remote control, and my high heel. No rhyme or reason just what he finds at any particular moment.
Church- We recently started attending a new church. Every Sunday when we drop him off at the nursery he runs off before we can even say good-bye. He actually runs off before we are able to hand off his bag or put on his ID sticker. It must be a good sign that he is that eager to run off and learn about Jesus and play with others.
Sweet voice- Griff has the sweetest little voice. I NEVER tire of listening to him babble on and on. I am sure soon enough his words may not be so "sweet" so I am taking advantage of his sweetness as long as I can!
Dance moves- I love when the beat catches him and he just has to dance! He dances along to many of the Wiggles songs and actually knows the moves. It is so funny to peek in on him while he is alone in his playroom and he is dancing his little heart out. Oh to be a child again!
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