Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you! You had an amazing kindergarten year! You have grown and matured so very much in a short time. You love school and love to learn. You are like a little sponge and are curious about the world around you! Not only are you super smart, but you are also incredibly kind. Both of these qualities will get you so far in life!
I pray that you continue to love school and have a heart for people. Ms. Edwards was very complimentary of you the entire school year. You were an excellent student and was always willing to help out your teacher and your class mates. Every time I went to school everyone knew you by name. Keep shining your light BRIGHT my boy! That is exactly what God created you to do!
You won the reader award for your class. Your reading skills are much further along than a kindergarten level. You love to read and love for us to read to you. At the end of the year you probably tested a 3 grade reading level. Continue reading and devouring those books!
1st day of kindergarten |
Last day of kindergarten |
1st day of school |
Last day of school |
Griffin with his reading award |
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