Sunday, June 15, 2014

Griffin~ Kindergarten


Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you!  You had an amazing kindergarten year!  You have grown and matured so very much in a short time.  You love school and love to learn.  You are like a little sponge and are curious about the world around you!  Not only are you super smart, but you are also incredibly kind.  Both of these qualities will get you so far in life!

I pray that you continue to love school and have a heart for people.   Ms. Edwards was very complimentary of you the entire school year.  You were an excellent student and was always willing to help out your teacher and your class mates.  Every time I went to school everyone knew you by name.  Keep shining your light BRIGHT my boy!  That is exactly what God created you to do!

You won the reader award for your class.  Your reading skills are much further along than a kindergarten level.  You love to read and love for us to read to you.  At the end of the year you probably tested a 3 grade reading level.  Continue reading and devouring those books!

1st day of kindergarten
Last day of kindergarten
1st day of school
Last day of school

Griffin with his reading award

Cohen's 2nd Ice Cream party

This weekend we celebrated Cohen's 2nd birthday with an Ice Cream party!
The party was very small and simple.
We had friends over to celebrate our guy with cake, an ice cream sundae bar and swimming!

After cake and ice cream we headed over to the neighborhood swimming pool.
Everyone had a great time.
Cohen was happy.

Happy 2nd birthday my baby.
Dream BIG...
love, Mommy

Mommy made ice cream cone cake.

Our family
Our family with MiMi, Pop, and Tio.
This boy, that dimple, and that thumb.
Best mad face EVER.
Ice Cream Sundae bar with a hand sneaking in for some gummies! 

My world

Monkey boy!

Make a wish and dream BIG my baby...

Cohen opening his gifts

After swim playground fun.

Cohen Jacob {2}

Loveable. Funny. Smart. Sweet. Wild. Strong. Leader. Strong will. Daredevil. Beautiful. Cuddly.

Dear Cohen,

Just like that I am writing to you on your 2nd birthday.  It seems like just yesterday I heard the words "it's a boy" and I was able to hold you for the first time!  You have been such a special addition to our family.  I can't remember life without you!

You are such a light in this world!  Your smile is adorable and your dimple MELTS me.  Your brothers love you so much!  You are always just 1/2 a step behind and following EXACTLY what they are doing.  You have a masters degree in climbing.  That is probably why you have already been to the emergency room two times.  Take it easy on me boy...

You are funny and love to make us laugh.  You tell us "knock knock" jokes.  You laugh and that makes your jokes even funnier!  Your favorite song is "happy birthday to you."  I never want to forget the way that you call my name.  There has never been a sweeter sound!  I take mental snap shots in my mind of you at this very age.  I always want to remember your little rabbit teeth, killer dimple, and beautiful big blue eyes.

You are so special and I am so glad that God selected me to be your momma.  You are a blessing to all who know you!  Keep smiling and the world is yours!  Happy birthday and dream BIG my baby.  You are a good boy and will do great things in this world...

All my love,

Make a wish and dream BIG my baby...