Thursday, March 6, 2014

911 what seems to be your emergency...

One evening Kenton was working late.  The boys were all quietly playing and I sat down for a quick and uneventful dinner.  I noticed Cohen playing with the house phone.  The thought in my head was, "that may not be the best idea, but he is being really good.  Leave him alone.  When was the last time you had a meal in relative quiet?"  So, I left him alone.  He played with the phone for quite some time.  (When Cohen plays with the phone he is really funny.  He mimics me on the phone.  He holds it up to his ear, chatters away, and walks around the house. Right.... just like his Momma!)  

As I was putting the dishes away I saw 2 police cars pull up to the front of our house.  There was also a knock at the door. {GULP...}  I looked out the front door and saw 3 armed police men standing there and looking in.

Police man #1- "Ma'am is everything okay?"
Me- "Yes sir everything is fine."
Police man #1- "Someone from this residence placed a call to 911.  Are you SURE you are alright?"
Me- (I was screaming in my head "LARRY!!!") "Oh yes sir.  The baby was playing with the phone and must have called 911? (how in the heck does a baby call 911.  It is not like he knows his numbers much less has the ability to dial the proper numbers in the correct order to notify the police to come to our home!!  Perhaps he is a child prodigy?  Are a major drama stirrer?!? Jeeze...)

As this conversation was happening at the front door I could hear Roman yelling from the bathroom.  As the time spent with the police officer continued his voice began to elevate.  The sound screaming from the bathroom was, "MMMOOOOMMMM WIPE MY TAIL!"  I heard these demands loud and clear.  I would have to believe that the officers did too.

Moments later Police man #2 busted out in a snorted laugh.  He said, "Ma'am, he doesn't have any clothes on."  At that point Police man #1, and Police man #2 joined in on the giggles.  I turned around to see Roman standing in the living room fully in the nude.  Awesome...

Police man #1 proceeded to say, "looks like you have your hands full."  Indeed I do.  Indeed I do!!!


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